[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

What's your favorite fruit?

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

Waited for the steam release and played through it almost fully with a friend in co-op, all DLC's included. My GOTY last year. Fantastic gameplay (shoutouts to Team Ninja), with a story that starts off as a shitpost but evolves into (in my opinion) something really beautiful, I can only recommend this game to any Final Fantasy fan. Having played through FF1 is not required, but makes it a little bit more fun. Best protagonist.

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

Amazing!!! So much variety, everything for self-use I assume?

Wanted to plant some tomatoes on our balcony this year again, but some health issues got in the way, and now I'm kinda glad because there has been practically no sun so far here in germany where I live.

Keep us updated if you want! Would love to see the fruits (and vegetables!) of your labor!

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago
[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

they downvoted them because they told them the truth

also another big reason is cheating, drops are serverside so people can't just cheat currency / equipment and flex with it online, people showing off is a big motivator for the poe community I feel

dunno how it is now but PoE was unplayable when played from an HDD for a long time, you couldnt load into oriath without crashing because the amount of MTX would crash spaghetticode arpg, and they didn't allow to load into hideout even back then

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

Alright no worries, my first comment was mostly just a quick jab at intels powerhungriness on desktop compared to AMD and windows 11's telemetry eating up processing power (which I also know can be turned off). Admittedly, I don't know too much about power efficiency of intel's mobile chips to comment on them in a serious way.

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago

Oh shit die Friedrich-Ebert-Straße!

Duisburg represent!

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 6 points 6 months ago

The gameplay, for one. Absolutely boring and repetitive, and of course they had to add a Souls roll. Triple attack into roll, insanely fun right guys? Boring story and boring characters, for an RPG, this is unacceptable. Exploration was a joke, there was nothing interesting to find. Keep in mind that this trashheap of a game was sold at full-price, the same year BG3 came out.

Also a big no-no, that shitty TERF J.K. Rowling profitting from the game.

What did you like about the game?

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

Never thought I'd care this much about Kuma. That one page with him at different times of his life running, the feels man. "The Tyrant" was a Saint.

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Ah that sound good. Like I said, stopped keeping up with changes 1-2 leagues after Sentinel, which was like the 3rd or 4th league with no meta shakeup. Also heard about some drama about big nerfs after exilecon happened (don't use reddit anymore so haven't checked what it was about) so I assumed that the meta was as stale as ever.

Might check out next league maybe, current league mechanic looked a bit boring but I'll probably yearn for the good old ritual times and play something else that actually respects my time

[-] LastJudgement@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Haven't kept up with the game changes for like the league after Sentinel but they really introduced some anti-fun changes, made the game grindier and killed off proper crafting so its "play this slot machine to unlock another slot machine, if you fuck up start all over" all over again.

Best state of the game was Ritual league anyway, after that the game slowly got enshittificated tbh. Shame about the 5k+ hours I put into it and not even being able to play the game in it's best state but oh well.

Was getting bored of playing Seismic trap for the 100th time in a row because they don't give a fuck about PoE1 anymore anyway so good riddance

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