[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

It's smart, I don't know how people will feel about it but it's smart.

The US and China are in an escalating economic cold war. It's goes completely against US interests to invest finite resources into growing the economy of an economic rival — and ditto for the converse of China investing into growing the US economy. Especially in an aggressively competitive economic sector where relative technological advancement is king for competitive purposes.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 30 points 11 months ago

The overall state matters far more than the local area for determining what your government is going to be like. Colorado Springs cannot make abortion illegal for its residents; Colorado can. Colorado Springs cannot ignore the state's laws on minimum wages, or LGBTQ rights, or any myriad other laws.

It's why I, as a progressive, would have no interest in living in Austin Texas: as left-leaning as Austin is, the state of Texas plays a bigger part in that governance and would make it an undesirable place for me to live.

Incidentally, Colorado Springs has been moving left. It has a non-republican independent mayor now, and the democratic governor even won the city in his reelection campaign (still lost the county, but came close). Trump won the county by 10% in 2020, after winning it by 20% in 2016. Likewise, Romney and McCain won it by 20%; Bush Jr. won it by 30% and 34%. In 1988 Bush Sr. won it by 40%. I expect the city-only results are even closer at the presidential level but cannot find data for that quickly.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 83 points 11 months ago

Tuberville's asinine blockade of military promotions presumably played a big part in this. I think it's a smart idea even in a vacuum though. The types of people that would be interested in serving in Space Command positions are, I expect, going to be the types of people least likely to find living in Alabama to be tolerable. Locating the HQ in Colorado is going to be a lot better for their recruitment efforts.

That's not to mention the official reasons offered, that it would be a clusterfuck to relocate the HQ. Which is a perfectly sufficient reason on its own too.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 35 points 11 months ago

Does Boeing have any recent projects that are an unmitigated success? Everything I see from them is about a new project being a disaster in some manner.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 28 points 11 months ago

I can send a tab from my mobile Firefox to my desktop Firefox by default, so that's at least one of those that doesn't need an extension.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 30 points 11 months ago

Lots of things.

Use public transportation.
Have multiple experiences available nearby to do as a day activity.
Have a large pool of people available to meet and know.
Walk to anything interesting.
In general just have lots of options and variety for anything: work, groceries, eating out, etc.

Some small towns might have some walkability for downtown but nothing more than that.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 22 points 11 months ago

I'd tell my friend that this one is on me. If they protested I'd offer to let them take the next time we ate at a restaurant.

I'm a big fan of paying bills separately though.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 57 points 11 months ago

But why male models?

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 27 points 1 year ago

They're run more effectively than Microsoft has run their gaming division for the past ~15 years or so... Microsoft's gaming leadership has seen one of the most valuable gaming IPs, Halo, flounder again and again and again. They closed all their game studios and spent a whole generation with minimal first party exclusives, they did I don't know how much damage to Arkane with Redfall...

More generally, Microsoft's approach to leading their game studios is to leave them to run the way the studio was ran pre-acquisition. Activision-Blizzard is not going to see major changes to the way they run if this deal does go through (pending CMA). Microsoft will Activision to be run the way it is now, and only intervene if profits dip too much (considering Halo, though, that might take quite the dip).

I don't get the assumption that Activision is going to see some major cleanup from this. They won't.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 33 points 1 year ago

Kotick gets rewarded by the deal going through. Billions of dollars from the sale. Worst case for him after that is a few hundred million from a golden parachute if he's fired. We have no real reason to think he will (or won't, to be clear) be fired though, so there's a very real chance this is full reward for him: giant piles of money and continues to get to run Activision-Blizzard, just with Microsoft bosses above him.

The deal going through isn't something you want if you hate him.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 27 points 1 year ago

Thought this was going to be a more specific complaint about computer hardware/accessories. So much of the high end stuff is just littered with bullshit RGB lighting. Coolers, GPUs, keyboards, mice, monitors, case fans, even fucking RAM sticks! It's insane.

For general appliances my complaint wouldn't be the single LED on it but the brightness. Like you I cover up the bright ones with electrical tape. It wouldn't even cost them any extra money to make it lighter. Just requires a different resistor value.

[-] LetMeEatCake@lemmy.world 38 points 1 year ago

That's the automod for the sub in question. It's not a reddit wide bot in this case.

Of course, it could be that reddit's admins are helping mods make these kinds of reactions. I'd believe that. But the account itself in question (automoderator) doesn't tell us anything about how reddit's admins feel.


I've been doing occasional weekend day trip to Boston and have been parking at Alewife without any issues. From what I've read on weekdays the parking garages fill up very early in the morning.

What time of day do the garages start to have free spaces again? If it matters I'm open to parking at any of the outer terminus stations: Oak Grove, Alewife, Riverside, Braintree, whatever. It doesn't need to be Alewife.

There's a weekday concert in mid September I want to see. If I knew I could reliably park sometime in the afternoon (or late morning), that'd give me the push to go ahead with getting a ticket.

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