[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 15 points 10 months ago

uncompensated driving, commute times, etc

people don't realize how much their car is costing them. IRS rate is like $0.60 a mile. running errands for work all day? 45-minute commute? yeah you're effectively making less than minimum wage now

very difficult to get people to understand though

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 17 points 10 months ago

website and app bloat is really annoying

most corporate designers seem to think that the acceptable amount of ram usage is equal to whatever phones/computers are currently shipped with

so they don't bother using resources on optimizing

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 17 points 10 months ago

on the topic of iq, i have a lot of problems with the way people seem to interact with the concept. there's a bunch of assumptions all baked into it:

  • iq is a variable that actually exists in nature

  • people's iq is static and follows a standard distribution

  • iq tests are capable of objectively measuring or at least approximating this variable

  • this variable is a good stand-in or even synonymous with cognitive ability

  • cognitive ability is univariate or single-faceted, able to be described with a single number

  • cognitive ability equates to or correlates with usefulness, happiness, sociability, success, whatever

  • finally, that any of this really matters, like in a materially impactful way, or is something that we should focus on

it's not that each of these statements is 100% wrong, it's that each shouldn't be assumed to be true. but the way i usually see iq invoked kinda just uncritically runs with all of them, contained within a neat little ideological package.

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 16 points 10 months ago

If you don't like your feudal lord, you also keep them! obama-spike

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 14 points 10 months ago

Jesus Christ lmao

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 14 points 10 months ago

Idk I don't think that's a very useful or accurate way to look at things. I do a lot of organizing and mutual aid alongside leftists of all types, (as well as liberals).

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 18 points 10 months ago

Lmao this is great

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 15 points 10 months ago

one of those hidden value extraction mechanisms, or externalization of hidden costs onto society. a big mac has the immediate costs of materials and labor, but also the externalized costs, either manifesting in healthcare or shortened lifespan and decreased quality of life. not to mention the environmental damage of the meat industry and transportation and everything else

in other words these corporations are cashing out value from our future in the form of present profits. if time were flattened or all costs were somehow required to be paid upfront things like fast food would be a lot more expensive for corporations to mass produce.

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 18 points 10 months ago

His comment is quite literally a 5 minute read and gives a decent summary of three decades of complex geopolitical context. If you can't be bothered to read for 5 minutes your opinion is probably worth very little and you should avoid sharing it.

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 15 points 10 months ago

kinda true in that no one cares about you specifically (as in no govt agencies or corporations, yer mum loves ya), at least until you do something to draw focus to yourself

however there's multiple layers of tracking, from local to state to federal (and various agencies at each level) as well as every single corporation that you interact with or buys your data. all of these actors are primarily interested in your data in aggregate (unless and until you give them a reason to focus on you specifically) so that they can manipulate whatever demographic/class you belong to into doing whatever action serves them.

It can be difficult at first to conceptualize how each of us exists as a single part of various larger systems/entities, but that realization is instrumental in understanding how things work in today's globalized and technological world.

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 18 points 10 months ago

I don't really want to relitigate your experiences and these issues in this thread (especially because I'm a visitor on lemm.ee), so I'll try to be succinct. But I'm happy to continue elsewhere if you want.

What we mean by "broad tent" or nonsectarian is that diverse opinions aren't explicitly banned or removed (as long as they aren't pro western imperialism or anti LGBTQ+). That means shitflinging and low effort sectarianism (ideally) isn't allowed. It doesn't mean people aren't allowed to voice disagreement about ideologies and geopolitics. And since we don't have downvotes, we aren't afraid to voice disagreement, unlike Reddit where you just anonymously downvote and move on. This difference is certainly a culture shock at first, but I've come to prefer it. Even if everyone else disagrees with you, you still have a voice, rather than getting buried in downvotes and hidden.

As much as our users call people liberals derogatorily, in equal amounts we get called bots and shills and tankies (which is especially funny when directed at our anarchist users). I'd personally rather name calling be avoided in favor of good faith discussion, but it's difficult to assume good faith on the internet.

[-] LinkedinLenin@hexbear.net 17 points 10 months ago

damn i wish liberals could read because this is a great comment

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