Me, too.
joined 2 years ago
Congratulations in advance!
I hope that's sarcasm... LOL.
Such an easy HD upgrade today. So pleased, although not having a big HD to begin with made it a quick process...
But thermal paste. Oh my lawd, thermal paste that has not dried. Cleaning that up. May it never happen again.
So cold. Whyeeee!
This, I would love. (I agreed to work tomorrow, but I don’t wanna!)
Chanced it and got rained on in the hills.
Man, Meyers-Creed Road is soooo pretty with all the ferns and it would have been gorgeous had I not been freezing my arse off.
Om nom lunch,
and also back in bed…
Yep, Crap Sleep Gamg Rep…
Happy Birthday! 🥳
4/10 LOL.
Could have been 6 but went against my gut.
Totally forgot it was St Kilda Fest... Trying to get out of closed off streets... So glad I was not driving. Bit of a cool evening for a ride, but better than nothing. I am Garfield on Mondays and I know it'll be fine, but I am just not looking forward to tomorrow. I'd started a little morning walk routine, but that was out the window last week due to starting back.
I also can't believe we're halfway through February. I have too much life stuff to do... LOL, yeah, privileged problems... I just really don't want to adult.