It’s my IRL birthday today! YAY!
I’m having to work it for the first time in probably 14 years because workplace is shit. BOO!
Going into the city for a staycation tonight. YAY!
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It’s my IRL birthday today! YAY!
I’m having to work it for the first time in probably 14 years because workplace is shit. BOO!
Going into the city for a staycation tonight. YAY!
The face of "turn the fucking music down you woke me up!"
I have 2 offers!!!! Hoping number 3 comes through but probably not.
That's ok though!
I have received flowers for the first time in my life. 🥰
Nawww. I got home grown tomatoes from a friend.
To the downvoter. It's cool. It's my parents wedding anniversary today. I promise my loved one surprises me every other day.
Aw, and they're so beautiful too! Like you!
Hmm... I should get my wife some flowers. Not today - any day but today.
But, it's been too long since I bought her any.
Happy Valentine's day to everyone with and without someone to spend it with. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)
update: I may have written BAG OF DICKS on the side of the sausage bags
Heading back to melbs today.
Haven't been back since xmas. Gonna be a shock going through the CBD. Always blows my mind down here you only see a few people daily (usually on the foreshore / beach / shops) but people go out of their way to interact. Had more convos with randos down here in the last month than I have in the last 2 years in melbs.
I say bring back the rando convo.
No thanks. I always get stuck with the itchy weirdo rando.
I regularly travel on busy tram routes with a number of tram options. One thing I've learned is that 90% of people will always board the first tram, even when there are clearly one or two more coming directly after it. This leads to an overcrowded first tram and blissfully empty second and third trams. I consider it an important life lesson. It's generally best to wait for the second or even third tram. Thank you for listening.
Happy Friday 😊
passed my Azure exam! Also "Mama" is now "Mummy". I'm still "dada" but hes working on it. something like "dada-ey?" I also told him the other day "no chance" of me getting in the sprinkler with him. He goes "Chance!" so we ended up running around the house going "Chance!" "No Chance!" "Chance!" for a while.
Our daughter, our only child, cherished baby girl is out on a date. Don't worry, she's keeping us up to date. Plus I have life 360. I know exactly where she is.🥺
🎵 Work work work work work work
On this blessed day behold a picture of uranus
Every time I see uranus my spirit is lifted
Happy Laneway day everyone! Time for one too many beers and eating far too much food. And there may be music on in the background.
just picked up 6kg of angus sausages from the local butcher for the weekend party.
There were crowds. Horrified stares. Three people decided to come back later. They just kept coming. Sausage on sausage on sausage.
Ok so still waiting on Toshiba, software company called and I'm calling back.
And I've emailed the 3rd place to get an answer.
The 3rd place is the one I really want, but I don't think I'm getting it.
getting the f outta dodge should be the top priority. And whatever way that takes without having to whore yourself out or sell bags sounds a shit load better than when you are now tbh.
I’m off to the fish and chip shop.
Would anyone like a dimmy? Potato cake? Eldritch tentacled god in batter?
I'm so thankful for the cooler conditions for the next week. I've got shit to do and it helps immensely.
On my second coffee but all I have succeeded in doing is adding a heightened layer of anxiety over the overwhelm. I have so much to do I can't find a place to start 😭😔
But haircut after work. New colour I think...dunno what yet...
Still no joy convincing the mrs on the camper trailer/poptop/campervan/whatever you want to call it. She wants to think about it more. her primary concern is we wont use it enough, but its real hard to convince her shes wrong when the campervan would make it all so much easier to actually do it more frequently. chicken and egg. We dont do it often cause its hard so we dont wanna spend money to make it easier.
Found a couple worth checking out. But the flipside is I found tons of places I want to go assuming we get one.
I'm getting slaughtered at gin rummy today. Please send good luck wishes.
Our Caffeine , who art heavenly , hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily coffee. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us into temptation; and deliver us a triple shot cappuccino.
"Morning, will you be my Valentine?" sticks tongue in ear runs off to piss like a racehorse
Stuff cooking. I hear some fish & chips calling my name.
I small fisherman's basket later ... damn it just hits the spot tonight.
I’m feeling for the people who went Laneway, they would be getting soaked right now.
Blah. Set myself up in a room and someone’s taken my spot and I’ve had to move again to have some time and coffee to myself.
Not ideal start.
Cheers little cherubs ❤️🍺
*This post was proudly sponsored by Novelty Mugs