
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 5 days ago

The solution is a Multi-Party system with coalition and then compromise out of a position of power. We need to accept that in almost all societies the real left are a minority. Humans don't like the socialist ideas even if it benefited then Right now because they dream of escaping poverty and to then be better than others. If we destroyed the class system they'd have no chance to some day be better than other people. I believe this drive to get ahead is part of human nature and only few are able to fight it and think in the benefit of the whole.

So there are 2 options:

  1. Is a revolution, violent and ends in establishing an authoritarian government forcing your beliefs on the majority of people which kinda goes against my democratic beliefs and the right of freedom

  2. Go into politics. In europe it would be voting very left and gain enough votes to join a coalition to make the centrists enable more and more socialist policies. This worked very well in some countries like early Germany, netherlands and a big portion of Scandinavian countries. In America basically the only option would be to join the democratic party and advocate socialist policies from within like Bernie sanders is trying for example. Vote more left in the primaries to try and gain influence.

After that when it comes down to voting either of the 2 parties though you probably need to accept the current majority in the democratic party in order to not enable far right.

The time to go more left is between big elections and from within. In big elections like the upcoming its time to set differences aside and unify for the lesser evil.

Never forget that a democracy is a rule of the majority of the population and not a rule of the best policies from your perspective. If you think: Fuck the majority, this is how the country should be run, you are not democratic.

This of course disregards the influence powerful people take in politics which is another topic and way more complicated.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago

"I respect christians who don't force their views on me"

No, you don't. You just prefer not to be reminded that you're living in sin.

Everybody preaching thinks, everyone must adhere to their personal moral beliefs. They don't.

And we are not advocating veganism by antagonizing people. That just makes YOU feel better about yourself and doesnt help the animals at all. If you actually care about animal well-being you will set your ego aside and try to actually convince the carnivores by being a good example and adapting your arguments.

I always point out that I will not discuss the morals of killing animals because it's difficult for a lot of people. I will go on the level how our society treats the animals before killing them. Almost noone is arguing about that. And I've convinced a lot of people that way to at least drastically reduce their meat consumption. The rest will come later.

Isn't it about reducing animal suffering in the world in total? It should be. Making everyone be vegan in no time at all is unrealistic. We are reducing global meat consumption by emphatically making people question their choices and not by antagonizing them. They'll just get defensive and mock us.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Just look around here. Most of the people here are part of the hate club. Constantly you see posts wishing the worst and horrible deaths on the people they disagree with or who commit crimes/do horrible shit/are rich, and they are being celebrated. ACAB, Trump should off himself, eat the rich, celebrating people drowning on their yachts... But hey, it's not hate speech if you are on a moral high ground right? Most people here probably agree, that prisons are for suffering, just that so often the wrong people are suffering.

America needs a functioning justice system and people abusing their power is horrible. But you need to fight it by enforcing a system and punishments according to a set of laws. There is no emotion or revenge in justice.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

The US will never stop supporting Israel. They are too dependent on it geopolitically. I believe we may see some more inner political movement against Netanjahu supported by certain US agencies. He will not survive this conflict as prime minister. This will of course not help Palestinians in the long run but it may help with a ceasefire and as a result help the democrats in the upcoming election which would be the main goal right now.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The idea of this super moderated availability of books sounds super great when you write it out like that. But there aren't even enough teachers around to teach the bare minimum. I don't know how you imagine that would be manageable.

Side point. If Mein Kampf should be accessible, do you think so should all the hate speech and misinformation everyone tries to ban from social media ?

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Can someone develop a tool that automatically screens TOS and small print for apps and warns you of agreeing to shit like this?

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The court doesn't give a shit, though. Look at what's happening with the international court.

Oh, and also, the police is supporting me with weapons to fuck you up if you try to chase me from your lawn.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh I am sorry. I thought I was talking to someone sharing the consensus we formed as an international community after world war 2 to keep a status quo regarding borders (except for some peaceful special cases) represented by the UN and to stop all the useless expansionist fighting all through history.

This fighting you apparently approve and are completely fine with stronger countries just invading others for expansion of their territory. That is a very shitty world you want to live in.

Just some examples of what you are apparently super fine with:

Russia completely conquering Ukraine and that being accepted by everyone. China annexing Taiwan and while we are at it why not just most of SEA as well. The Republicans just fighting their way to control of the US if they happen to lose the election. I mean people fight and who wins is right, right?

In my example above I shouldn't even bother slowly creeping onto your land but just fight you for it and if I win I got a free new home. Sounds like a utopia, doesn't it?

Just for the record. I am not even primarily for a Palestinian state. But it is a way better alternative than to just kill an entire population because you can't live in peace with them. And I am aware that it's not just Jewish peoples fault that this apparently doesn't work. But annihilation is never a solution.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

Would you be okay with me moving into your garden and building a hut there and threatening you when you protest ? And when you silently let me live in your garden I bring all my family and friends and build more and start taking your rooms because you know, I need the place and some ancestor of mine told me God promised me your garden. Would you maybe wanna hit me if I don't stop?

[–] -3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

This is not about the question of genocide though. I think we mainly agree on that happening and rightfully demand it to stop.

This is about the hostages and the cause of their death. And frankly we don't know. Because both sources on that are incredibly biased and obviously pursue their own agendas.

And rightfully one should avoid just blindly believing either of them like the original comment here does just because it "makes sense" to them. That literally translates to: "I have confirmation bias so I believe this"

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Of course kids don't have basic common sense. It develops with experience and from the things we teach them. That's why you don't leave them on social media completely unsupervised. They learn stupid shit from influencers because they don't have any filters yet.

There is a reason kids don't have full rights. Don't judge them like they're adults. It's our responsibility to protect them.

[–] -1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Danke für die Korrektur meiner falschen Erinnerung bezüglich der 10 Stunden und Wochenarbeitszeit. Da hast du in der Tat Recht.

Danke auch für dir Erinnerung, weshalb ich mich normalerweise aus Online Diskussionen fernhalte. Man nehme einen Post, pickt sich eine Aussage heraus, die man korrigieren kann aber mit der Kernaussage nicht viel zu tun hat, und nutze die Korrektur um alles andere gleich mit zu diskreditieren. Auf den Rest nicht eingehen, die Diskussion als gewonnen erklären und dann noch ein populistisch simples Resümee ziehen.

Spahn muss in den Knast. Alle wollen nur Ausbeutung. Alles klar.

Ich finde die CDU generell auch scheiße. Heißt nicht, dass alles, was ein CDU Politiker faselt automatisch Schwachsinn und Ausbeutung ist.

Wir sind bereits in einem Arbeitnehmermarkt. Wenn jemand das Gefühl hat ausgebeutet zu werden geht er zu den 10.000 anderen Jobs, die ihm zur Verfügung stehen. Ganz besonders, wenn man eine Fachausbildung hat.

Es geht hier auch nicht um generell mehr Arbeiten sondern ums flexiblere Verteilen der Arbeitszeit unter der Woche. Und da steht die 8h Regel eben im Weg.

Nicht ganz so Doll, wie ich anfangs dachte, zugegeben. Aber mit einer vernünftigen Anpassung lässt sich Flexibilität und Vermeidung von Ausbeutung sicher erreichen.

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