[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 37 points 5 days ago

oh, I've been wondering about this, as I've had occasional youtube-video just enter the infinite buffering. Oddly it has only happened on linux o_O

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 94 points 1 month ago

list of surprised people:

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 73 points 1 month ago

https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1363080/achievements huh? the numbers show differently (for me, at least) on the page.

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 218 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

wonder if it's going to rat someone out by saying something along the lines of

A member of your Steam Family already owns Horny Hentai Ladies: Stupidly huge dongs GOTY

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 244 points 2 months ago

I'm ok with timezones, but the guy who invented daylight savings time I'd slap to all the way to the sun

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 86 points 3 months ago

c'mon man, you forgot to call .EnableUltraWideSupport()

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 82 points 3 months ago

when the company as allocated at most 5 seconds per delivery and you've already spent 3, reading instructions is not going to happen. Gotta go fast

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 69 points 3 months ago
submitted 4 months ago by Malix@sopuli.xyz to c/grimdank@lemmy.world

...Yea I legit got nothing. What a weird concept but... I'm oddly down with it.

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 89 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)
[malix@derp ~]$ fewer .bashrc 
bash: fewer: command not found


Sometimes lore hits differently (shencomix.tumblr.com)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Malix@sopuli.xyz to c/grimdank@lemmy.world

edit: also, no idea what's going on with the kirby lore, as referred in the comic.

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 94 points 7 months ago

"If you decapitate Karlach before having spoken to her and then resurrect her, she'll no longer spend the rest of the game headless."

Man, some interactions in this game are wild.

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 91 points 7 months ago

well, I do understand that in tournaments the games shouldn't be modded.

Otherwise: let players do what ever they please.

submitted 8 months ago by Malix@sopuli.xyz to c/cyberpunk2077@lemmy.world

So, done several of this carjacking missions now, when they're timed, I usually get within like 200-300m away from the target until time runs out, even if I've literally leaned on the pedal and had straight road with next to no traffic on it.

I can only assume there are more optimal ways to get to the destination than what the "gps routing" is giving me, unless I just plain old need to "gid gud".

Give it to me straight, are these just brutally tight timewise or do I just plain suck?

I wouldn't usually care for optional things, but El capitan berating me each time is getting old.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Malix@sopuli.xyz to c/cyberpunk2077@lemmy.world

I have several pieces of cyberware, which when upgraded from tier 5 to 5+, basically all the ... tertiary? stats (the blue ones at the bottom of the item card) go down.

While it is true that the main feature of the cyberware piece does USUALLY get marginally better, it seems weird that the other stats go down?

But sometimes it seems to turn worse too, for example Deep-field Visual Interface, got a tier 5 version of it:

  • Crit Chance increases the further you are from the enemy (max. 95% at 90 meters)
  • Cool Attuned: +1% Crit. Damage per Attribute Point

But when upgraded to tier 5+, the first stat becomes (edit: found a screenshot for this: https://i.imgur.com/CzLAWlY.png)

  • Crit Chance increases the further you are from the enemy (max. 92% at 95 meters)

which to me feels just worse, unless I'm completely missing something here. Lower max cc at longer range? Wut?

What's the dealio? Does the upgrade view not take into account some perks I've selected or something? Or taking them into account wrongly/partially/derp?

It feels weird to not upgrade my gear because the higher tier item is just worse and I'm swimming in crafting materials.

[-] Malix@sopuli.xyz 99 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

but what about programmers with problems hearing? An alternative of webcam video with sign language, pantomime and subtitles is needed!

edit: OOH! Use AI to generate the sign language videos. Could be wild, considering how good AI is at drawing hands.

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