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[–] 25 points 5 months ago (6 children)

You'd be surprised how many steam games have no DRM other than steam itself. And how easy it is to put in a replacement (open-source) dll that acts as a steam emulator and runs the games without steam. I'd say... pretty much every non-AAA game on steam can have DRM removed this way. It's such barebones DRM that I can't really find reason to be angry at it.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

If you assume they're from countries with weaker economies. Meanwhile, I live in the US, and I survive under the poverty line. Nothing about the US is 'region-locked', I'm just treated like shit for being disabled. It's a lack of income first and foremost.

[–] 54 points 6 months ago (2 children)

And single women, queer women, and women without families are able to survive by working, instead of being in extremely uncertain/abusive situations (or worse).

So without sarcasm: thanks to feminism, women can experience wage-slaving. Better than being treated as subhumans, even if it's still a crappy life.

[–] 12 points 6 months ago

Except you also fell for the trap of pretending to be educated. The entire "how to use 'octopus' as a plural noun" is an internet clickbait phenomenon, and both linguists and communications experts have chimed in to say that language is not prescriptive based on supposed origins of words/phrases, but rather it is labile and the most correct form of communication is that which is most readily understood -- therefore, they agree, saying simply 'octopus' or 'octopuses' is correct in English, as that is what English speakers already use.

A word becomes distinct from its origins based on the context it is used in - i.e. we're speaking English in the modern era, derived from generations of English speakers, and we are so far detached from any Greek origins in our language that it may as well not exist; these words have become English words through common use, and thus are subject to the grammatical rules of English. In the future, other words of varying origins with their 'appropriate' pluralizations and conjugations may be slowly overwritten by casual or undereducated use, adopting English grammar instead, and as long as that becomes the most common use, it is then the correct one.

After all, language is for communication, and communication requires common understanding, so language is naturally defined by that which facilitates communication - not notions of history or propriety.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Ok, turtle makes way more sense. And it's simpler. Occam's Razor or something. Thx bb.

[–] 16 points 7 months ago (5 children)

The B is Obunga. T is Koopa Troopa. Questionable, but better than what this was photoshopped from - one of those tacky Liberty, Guns, Beer, and Trump bumper stickers.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

I've never seen it either. I've heard of it though, but only in wealthier areas. Working class people don't have the luxury of deciding to pay extra to alleviate human suffering - it's the same reason walmart consumes all other choices; the average person chooses the cheapest option because they're already scraping by. A more relatable take would be to just opt out of eating at places that demand tips -- I already do that, but only because I can't afford to eat out anyway :)

[–] 8 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Did you read their comment beyond the first two words?

They explicitly said to stop tipping by deciding to instead go to places that ban tipping, price goods higher, and pay their employees fairly. None of your argument about "you need to tip people who rely on tips" applies to what they said. You jumped to your "haha gotcha" moment a bit prematurely.

[–] 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

You have no idea. I'm terrified of psychiatrists similarly to how I'm terrified of cops. I am disabled due to various mental conditions, and all it takes for my life to end is a psychiatrist deciding I'm not disabled anymore. Oh, and I'm autistic, which means people think I'm constantly lying because of my shit social skills.

And I narrowly risked that recently - in an LGBT clinic, with an LGBT psychiatrist, I expressed concerns with how my mental conditions affect my perception of my own gender. This started an avalanche of being accused of emotionally manipulating the psychiatrist and having my medical record state that I'm likely lying about being autistic and trying to defraud social security.

If I didn't have a therapist that would lay their career down for me, I'd be screwed. In my situation, the only difference between a psychiatrist and a cop with a gun is the immediacy of the judgement.

Oh, and don't talk to self-professed doctors that work in psych wards, like the person you responded to. Almost all of them are run like prisons, but without any form of legal procedure before someone gets thrown in one. You have no idea how horrific they can be. No one with a conscience works in those places - they would quit, just like the supposed "good cops".

[–] 24 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Watching the original japanese episodes has been wild. I never realized how much was cut for western audiences. Jessie/James are crossdressing almost every third episode -- that man wants nothing more than to be a pretty princess in a pink dress, and I'm all for it.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

I take the opposite approach. If I notice someone is more chatty than I am, I make a point to tell them upfront "hey, I'm usually pretty quiet, but I still enjoy conversations even if they're a little one-sided". It's a good test of character - if they still have a problem with me after I communicated clearly, then we're not compatible, and I don't need to worry about them. But I have certainly had friends that would talk my ear off and I'd happily nod and offer small insights or facts, and it worked out. It's more about finding the right people - instead of trying to become the right person.

[–] 34 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Normally I'd say that reddit/lemmy are poor choices for a community - but if the competitor is a live-chat like discord? Yeah. Lemmy is better.

Project leads would just need to make sure to direct users straight to a specific instance that allows instant/unmoderated sign-ups, or else that element of friction will occur -- and certainly not start the whole "there's many instances, pick the one that's right for you!" spiel, or users will give up immediately. I thought similarly about matrix - on-boarding users to a matrix community would be helped by explicitly writing a guide for them to do so, but then we're back to step 1, where making a discord channel is quicker than writing instructions.

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