
joined 1 year ago
[–] 27 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Your right about them not necessarily relying on the spice melange, but they do rely on the juice of the sapho root to accelerate their thoughts and increase their processing speed. So yeah, they're still on drugs :)

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That's how defense of this stuff always works. They subtly change the meaning of commonly accepted words and terms. "Service available to the public" becomes "public service" and "Nazis are good" becomes "an opinion" instead of hate speech.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago

The real problem here is that Twitter/X user’s data can be easily revealed by organizations.

The publicly posted data being easily revealed by organizations is a problem?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Don't let the cover art discourage you.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Nah, wombats just lure you into sticking your head in the hole they're hiding in, and then crush your skull with their muscly ass.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Okay, that all I can agree with. And I feel like there's a huge difference between buying items on Amazon, and buying groceries on Amazon. I find it really hard to justify the later, but I can still imagine some circumstances where it would be justified (e.g. someone with a disability who can't travel/carry groceries, and no other local store has viable delivery options).

It's a shame. I used to love Amazon. Back when they just sold books they were one of the sites that really highlighted just what the Internet could be. More than a place for entertainment, but a place to obtain things that were otherwise unavailable. Their transition from 'we sell books' to 'we sell everything and we'll actively destroy anything that might compete with us if we can' was terrible.

They managed to even screw up the cost of gas for me. I live in a small town that happened to be chosen by Amazon to be one of their major distribution centers. Our area is filled with their delivery trucks, and as a result the cost of gas is a full $0.20 USD more here than if I drive to the next town over.

Fuck Amazon. But I refuse to judge people who shop there as harshly. Judging them requires too many assumptions about their personal circumstances.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

And why do you think you have no other choice than Amazon and Walmart in America?

That's what you said, which is somewhat ambiguous phrasing. It could mean "why do you believe that there are no other choices, because there are?" or it could mean "yes, you have no other choices than those two, but how do you think that happened?"

Given that you started off by arguing that it was infuriating that anyone would ever shop at Amazon, and have been pretty consistent in your other comments that the solution is to just go to "an actual shop", the first interpretation is much more appropriate to the context.

If you really meant "yes, you have no other choices than those two", then sure, I'll accept the back pedaling. It doesn't change that you are infuriated that anyone would shop at Amazon, and accuse those that do of personally destroying the climate because we are lazy. The fact that you are aware that many people simply don't have a better option, and yet you still judge them so harshly, only makes you look worse.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

The ergonomic keyboards I've seen still had offset keyboard rows, rather than the ortholinear setup shown in the tweet linked above. It's the uniform spacing and grid layout that I've never seen before (not to say that means its new; just new to me!).

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I love that I got to experience the computer revolution from (nearly) the start to its current state, but damn, I really do resent some of the bad habits I've picked up due to technical limitations that existed when I got started. I think ortho looks just so much better and more comfortable, but the typewriter layout is firmly engrained in my muscle memory...

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Really? I had no idea! /s

Seriously, though... just because there are other vendors that sell online does mean that each and every thing someone may want/need is available from other vendors online. Amazon has spent decades forcing competitors either out of business or to work through Amazon. They also leverage volume and loss leaders to drastically undercut prices of competitors they can't eliminate.

Even if you can find someone else that has what you're looking for and are willing to pay more (and for the record, I absolutely pay extra to avoid Amazon whenever possible), there are a lot of small businesses that provide even shittier service (or are outright scams) than Amazon. You may or may not actually get what you ordered, and if something is wrong with it, good luck getting a replacement or refund short of a formal dispute with your bank. Many require credit cards for online transactions, and you have no idea how they're handling that data. Plenty exist that store CC info on local servers with nonexistent security precautions.

"Just shop online elsewhere" is just as lazy and undeservedly self-righteous as assuming everyone can just walk to a physical store to buy whatever they want.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I've been making a real effort to look for alternatives to Amazon whenever possible. It's hard, though, depending on what you want. Sure, there's a ton of stuff on Amazon that I can get local if I'm willing to put up with some inconvenience. I don't buy books off of Amazon anymore, for example, because I'd rather call the small independent book shop that's about 35 minutes drive from my house, have them order the book for me, and then drive out and pick it up.

But the sheer volume of things Amazon sells means there's going to be LOTS of things that they have that just aren't available around me. A new fan for my specific model of laptop? A replacement knob for my specific washing machine (for less than a dollar)? Amazon it is.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

No, your comment was clear: anyone who doesn't make whatever level of effort it takes to never shop at Amazon infuriates you. Furthermore, you assume that there are always other choices besides Amazon and Walmart. What you obviously still aren't getting is that those other choices besides Amazon and Walmart may not be practical for everyone.

Amazon is bad. No one is disagreeing. But if I need a left-handed monkey wrench and my choices are either buy from Amazon or drive 2 hours to the closest major city, go to a big box store that let's be honest, isn't really much better than Amazon in terms of economic impact, and then drive 2 hours back, you being infuriated by my choosing to not waste half a day to choose the slightly-lesser-of-two-evils is a lovely demonstration of privilege.

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