[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 2 weeks ago

Not all his takes are bad but I believe he often passes his own theories as information he got from a secret informant that I have contact wirh

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 3 weeks ago

Sounds very fake to me indeed

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 2 months ago

My way of thinking to help me be grounded, is to understand that we are not fighting the people, even the people with fascist views, we are fighting fascism, we are fighting neoliberalism and so on, the people who are seduced by that, are consequence of a very well articulated machine of our enemies, but the people ARE NOT our enemies, they might make the will of our enemy but they ARE NOT the enemy, cause we need the people.

And secondly the other thing that is important to always keep in mind, is that people are much much much more often swayed by someone that they respect and that treats them with respect, and respecting somebody even though you disagree viscerally with their ideas can be helpful. Albeit this advice is geared more towards the liberal than the fascist, for the fascist is much more dangerous to get close so we need better strategies, but the point is, if someone likes you they might listen to you more. It's a hard thing, but to be close to the people, however the people are at the moment, it's our duty, there is no dancing around it, if we do not work with the people we are not progressing, we are just keeping a circle jerk instead of moving Marxism forward.

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 2 months ago

I like the implications of that statement, they are saying, that in the middle of a war, being sanctioned by Europe and the US, they went from crappy military, to menace to the world, with time to spare to be the fastest growing economy in Europe, while the US, while NATO that arguably began this whole conflict couldn't advance the(according to this article) already superior military technology to keep up with the Russian miracle.

In my opinion that makes NATO just as pathetic as the truth does, I just like how the news twists and hides stuff, it is just funny actually, like the departure from reality is so blatant and so constant that I just find it funny, and also inspiring, cause it shows despair, and if the mouthpieces of capitalism is showing despair, it is good news for the enemies of the system, rejoice comrades, rejoice!

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 4 months ago

Shame it came from the UK but this is is wonderful news indeed

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 4 months ago

I absolutely support leaving reddit, it will help your mental health for sure, the social media landscape is by and large a hazard to mental health.

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 7 months ago

I think saying a definitely not, may be too hard a swing to the other side as well, the revolution is always our goal and I believe there is always room for hope, might be further in the future of closer to the present, but it should always be on the horizon, and who knows, revolutions are very hard to predict, situations change opportunities come along unexpectedly, but my problem with the parameter the comrade used for measuring likelyhood of such is electoral, and popularity of parties are not the best of measurements, the organization of the population I think is the best one, and burkina faso seems to have people supporting the anti imperialist movement there, but in Greece, the popularity of a party does not necessarily mean the population is organizing towards a change, it is a start but a timid one if you ask me, but it's always nice to see. Again the road we need to build pave and walk on is the organization of the people, it needs to come from the ones on the base of the system, while the ones most affected by the exploitation are still blind by capitalism's shining lights it is never going to be a revolution, the job of the ones of us ML's that are not in that situation is to befriend support and help those that are, to find the shades and see that the lights hide their own oppression and the fact that they are strong, and have all the tools to build their own freedom.

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 8 months ago

From which book is that table, I've seen this book mentioned before but I forgot the name

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 8 months ago

RISC-V rises

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Not to defend the dogs of capitalism, it is possible that the lesser evil argument still stands as long as the other option being considered would also fund genocide, which I believe to be true, so it might indeed be the leaser evil and when exclusively presented with those choices it might be the correct one to pick said lesser evil. The mistake is the thought that picking the lesser evil is a victory, it most certainly is not, picking the lesser evil is just making the current opression slightly, and I mean very slightly, less unbearable. The revolution is and should always be the most important objective, not the only, for we risk becoming ultras, but the most important.

[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 9 months ago
[-] MatBC@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 10 months ago

I certainly don't know all the factors but I can be sure in the fact that the blockade of Russia, the US vs China trade wars (Which the US kindly dragged all his allies into) are certainly part of the issue, the fact that the dollar is on the road to collapsing is could be another factor. And times of crisis the proletariat gets angry and the system tries to diverge this anger towards facism (today somewhat embodied in the Ukraine war) in order to prevent a socialist revolution, which is something that in this moments is essential that is made the focus of the masses. Proletariat of the world, UNITE!

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