[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 9 points 11 months ago

From the related post linked by op, it's described as just a portion of the managed instance hosting fee going back to the project devs. So if you pay them to host a lemmy instance, a small cut goes to Lemmy devs. Doesn't seem sketchy at all. Seems to have nothing to do with monetizing the instance itself, which could be funded by voluntary donations as normal or you could probably do membership fees as some instances do. It seems this is just about giving funding to the software devs. Hopefully this encourages other managed hosting providers to also give a cut of their revenue to the software they are using for their business.

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 9 points 11 months ago

Same issue is why mastodon needs your origin server to be online to migrate to a new server. In both cases, federating a public key for the server or accounts would allow either to pop up at a new domain and prove it has the authority to migrate links to the new location.

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 9 points 11 months ago

With activitypub all involved servers also replicate the content so I'm not sure what distinction you're trying to make. That's why we can still see all the communities, posts, and comments on the servers that are still online.

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 43 points 11 months ago

I consider r/place mods and spez to be the same group. I really just mean that it could be either an official action by reddit-affiliated person or could be bots run by someone who just dickrides spez, just trying to disclaim that obvious manipulation doesn't necessarily mean it's reddit's doing.

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 106 points 11 months ago

It's also being griefed using obvious bots. Every 30 seconds or so the entire blade gets blocked out by a perfect checkerboard pattern done all at once. Or a perfect square will get whited out. Either spez is directing it or some reddit fanboy is defending his honor with a bot army

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 16 points 11 months ago

It sounds like it's the same situation as the TI calculator signing key which I think was brute forced many years ago, allowing custom firmware to be developed. And also any DVD ripping program which is able to bypass CSS which is also based on a master key that was figured out or leaked. There's a decent pedigree of master keys not being copyrightable, much to the MPAA / TI lawyers chagrin

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 42 points 11 months ago

I think this answer is the most accurate. People get too hung up same names on different servers. There will always be multiple versions of a community whether they have the same name on different servers or whether one of them snagged the og name and others prefixed with Real_x / True_x. Imo I like it this way better because there's less favoritism to the one that comes first / people can't universally squat on a community name

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 33 points 11 months ago

Hetzners risk averseness is so annoying. I tried to sign up and rent a dedi to replace my rack mount nas. Considering electric costs I was happy to pay a few hundred a month for substantial storage. Didn't realize they didn't accept privacy.com cards (I don't even use them to cancel, it's just so I can change banks and switch 1 billing link instead of 100). Account rejected and deleted and no response from support.

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 10 points 11 months ago

I always hated that crypto shit stole the name web3/web3.0. I think for a short period it seemed decentralized apps were calling themselves web3.0 but now it's just the fediverse I think. I like calling it the true web because the fediverse is very much like the old days where we had niche sites with their own communities, it's just that the content isn't locked into each site and we don't need a million different forum accounts to participate everywhere. Like the old days but supercharged with new tech.

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

At some point I exceeded 500, but I also have firefox simple tab groups (formerly known as panorama) so I'm usually not looking at a window of more than 100 at a time, and any tabs I haven't visited since last launch aren't loaded into ram until I click over to them so they behave more like bookmarks except instead of creating/organizing/cleaning up bookmarks in addition to tabs I just browse/organize/close tabs. Each rabbit hole I go down gets a tab group so if I'm done with a topic I can just close the whole group.

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 20 points 11 months ago

My understanding of the term (from an asian american perspective I guess) is that it at most has a connection to race through the origins of ricing, and since the origins and current usage has never seemed derogatory and is simply about the Asian origins of automotive ricing I don't think it's racist at all. I see it as no different to any other term that reflects the origins of something that is connected to a specific ethnicity, especially when the term isn't derogatory and isn't used to otherize (which is how I consider model-minority stereotypes to be racist despite not being "negative").

[-] MeowdyPardner@kbin.social 47 points 1 year ago

I think it's easy to take this personally but I think it's more about the moderation tools in Lemmy not being adequate at the moment so this is the best bandaid solution for now. We need to quickly put effort into developing better moderation tools like limiting other servers without fully defederating, limiting specific communities, forcing nsfw on communities/instances, proxying reports to origin servers so admins have better feedback on their instance user's bad behavior, and many other things if we want to prevent defederating like this from being the only option.

I think infighting about this decision and differing moderation styles instead of focusing together on moderation challenges and tooling deficiencies risks tearing the community / federation apart and is counterproductive to the goal of being better than reddit.

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