[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 50 points 4 months ago

Answer most of these questions with.

Money. Obsessive greed

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 50 points 5 months ago

I think it's gotten to the point that we. (Collective) Have to start using alias. I know proton for a price gives fake mobile and email address.

I have started using a 5th email to sign up to things. Have an extra number as well. It's beyond a joke really.

Tried to sign up for a budget app and it requires email phone and address.

No. No you don't require any of that. You want that to sell. And you've likely got inadequate protection.

Nobody but my bank job and maybe a few places require all my info.

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 152 points 5 months ago

Fuck this bullshit article.

I fucking love self service. I don't want to deal with people.

Just let me buy my stuff and get out. I don't want or need small talk.

I want the disgusting supermarket shop to be as cold and sterile as possible.

I bring my own bag. I'd Honestly rather just scan everything as I go. And just pay as I walk out.

Current system is stupid. Walk around shop picking things up. Then take everything out and rebag

Android security (lemmy.world)

Quick question. I bought a phone and it's locked. Factory reset but requires the previous owners google to unlock. It's an insurance sale. I have asked the seller to update me on any info but haven't had a reply.

Is the phone a very expensive brick ?.


Anyone else having a really hard time using eternity. Might won't load. Comments won't send. Everything hangs. Is it because server is overloaded or is it something else.

Pretty much unusable at the moment.

Had to force close program twice just to get to eternity to post.

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 52 points 6 months ago

Not grandfathered then is it.


So this is a year old jalapeno plant. Has been inside over winter. It's currently in some coir mix. It's just struggling along. At this point it's just an experiment as all other seeds grew massively, gave hundreds of chilli's and didn't survive winter outside.

It's in an undraining pot that might be an issue. It seems to grow strong leaves then go yellow wither and die. It's currently summer here but temps range from 30c to 0c. So it's in the house and gets about 6 -8 hours light when we get sun. I put it outside to get as much sun as possible when it's hot out.

Just playing around to see how I go.

Disregard the seedlings. They are capsicums I'm just getting ready to plant. Was easy to chuck them In. They are a few days old

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 97 points 7 months ago

If only there was an alternative. Some kinda fox. A fox that was set aflame

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 100 points 7 months ago

Honestly last season was not good. It was rehashed and had no life. Maybe if they get longer to script and come up with something clever and fresh.

Bitcoin COVID and just randomness. Was not good

Jalapeno plant. (lemmy.world)

About 1 year old. I've left it in pot and just watched it. The rest of the seeds were grown last year and didn't survive the winter. I did overwinter and put frost cloth over them but clearly it didn't work.

Maybe too big a pot. I water every so often and just have it fertilizer.

Merge (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago by Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world to c/valheim@lemmy.ml

Currently 3 valheim subs. All with very little to zero content. Maybe an idea to merge

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 53 points 8 months ago

Really need to bring back death penalties. These scum kill us and yet we do nothing.

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 55 points 8 months ago

What a massive douche. Talks a good game about the environment and then spouts this filth.

Eat the ducking billionaires

Finally I succeeded (lemmy.world)

After many moons and many houseplants. I've managed to keep one alive long enough to get a baby snek.

Just need to watch how I water it.


Just casually came across this. We are getting chickens next week. Never had them before. So anything I should know going in ?

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 68 points 9 months ago

Housing was far cheaper. They also didn't have subscriptions to Netflix Amazon and and everything else. Him pretty sure petrol was cheaper as well. Maybe food but I'm not sure depending on location. Can check out inflation of money for each year.

Anecdotal. My fil was saying he bought some land for 30k 30 years ago. I checked what they actually was in today's money. It's 50k. That house now sells for 650k plus. That's the difference. Lots of things are cheaper now but housing has gone up significantly. Wages have stagnated and food is probably similar

submitted 9 months ago by Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

My Google search isn't working correctly. I can use a widget but then I have two search bars.

Any ideas

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 55 points 9 months ago

Talk for yourself. Some of us need starlink. Quality is great. Price is high but it's space internet. Again connection is pretty fucking stable. Playing GeForce now on my TV thanks to starlink.

He's a cunt but product is not


Posted on the houseplants sub and got some great advice.

Will change up it's watering routine and give it some more sunlight. Hopefully have it up and happy in no time. Thanks y'all

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 125 points 10 months ago

It's a factory in Ukraine making parts for weapons. Doesn't really matter who's factory it is. Pretty sure can't claim Russia attacked Sweden.

Bit of a jump. We all hate Russia but this isn't really news.

[-] Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world 55 points 10 months ago

Honestly sick of captchas. Think because I'm using Firefox with adblockers. I get them anytime I try to visit a site. It's basically making using the Internet a slog.

I'd start creating bots to do them for me. Fucking life

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