[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I was going to move now that I have a steady job but now we just got the news that my dad's condition is worsening, and, since it's just my parents and me, I'm gonna stay to help. Thank goodness for remote work.

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

Thank Mr skeltal

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 18 points 1 week ago

I'm a storyboard artist/3d generalist. Basically I draw all day, everyday for short films and TV shows. I find it pretty awesome because A) I love to draw and now I get paid to do it which is, from what I understand, very uncommon for artists. B) I'm helping shape a story from basically beginning to end. C) I also get to do silly voices sometimes when they need someone to fill in.

But, a big downside is that I'm sitting and staring at a screen around 6 to 7 hours a day which destroyed my eyes and I get leg strain sometimes from sitting. I want to get a stand up desk eventually.

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 17 points 2 weeks ago

Would Lights by Ellie Goulding count because that song slaps

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago

I was half expecting an eromanga sensei thing

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 17 points 2 months ago

I said this in another post but it seems more appropriate here. I'm liking how the show is exploring things about the world that the games can't. Like how the brotherhood ranks work in relation to each other, reproduction and sex in and out of the vaults, what people think of the vaults, and mostly how dangerous raiders can be and how brutal the watlsteland actually is.

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 21 points 3 months ago

Them: You're a ninja? I didn't realize you all still existed. You: Thank you


Actual video starts at 4:00

Fallout 4 Terminals (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by Monster96@lemmy.world to c/gaming@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by Monster96@lemmy.world to c/fallout@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by Monster96@lemmy.world to c/artshare@lemmy.world
I drew Amity (lemmy.world)
[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 53 points 6 months ago

I have a strange feeling about the story for this game. Here's my prediction:

Lucia breaks out of prison with the help of Jason and an outside character. Lucia and Jason then go on the run turning into a Bonny and Clyde story. Doing heists and robbing people to make some cash to get away from the cops. But then, they rob the wrong person or they were forced to rob the person by the other character and are forced into the drug trade. Maybe the other character was a narco that either Lucia or Jason knew. The FIB or DEA catch wind of this and since Lucia and Jason prove to be very good criminals, they then rope them into taking down the drug trade by robbing and pulling heists.

This goes on until they both eventually find a way out or plan to pull "one last heist" that'll free them from both the narcos and the FIB or DEA. But then, whoopsie, turns out either Lucia or Jason had some ulterior motive for tagging along with one another. While Lucia or Jason was in prison, they struck a deal with either the narcos or FIB to either escape the country or wipe their record. The catch? They had to bring the other person in, kill them, or just generally betray them.

Then the final act would be one of three options. Lucia kills Jason, Jason kills Lucia, or they both fight the narcos and FIB together Bonnie and Clyde style. Either way, bullets are gonna be flying.

The end game would be only Lucia or Jason are left alive and free of both the narcos and FIB. But, Maybe they became a crime Lord in the drug trade thanks to the other person dying or the FIB unknowingly.

Based on how Rockstar makes their stories, I predict one of the two is gonna bite the bullet by the end.


It's been almost 8 months since I graduated Uni. No one wants to hire a student with no experience. Been living in my parents basement for all that time. Been working nearly every single day trying to better myself for a job to no avail. Been drowning in debt for nearly 10 years. Mom hasn't been able to work due to health problems. Dad just diagnosed with the worst possible disease you can think about so he can't work. It all falls to me to work. Family had to resort to a social assistance to pay the basics requirement for bills. Owe Sister and aunts money. All my friends have moved away or too busy to talk or do anything. Last meaningful relationship, which entails just talking and doing nothing more, was about 5 years ago. And no matter what I do, who I turn to for help, how much I kill myself trying to get a job, how much I try to better this situation, it all ends up with another rejection email, another message left on read, another email with no response, and more debt that I can never repay back.

Yeah, I get why villains want to destroy the world in movies. The world sucks, everyone sucks, there's no good people in this world. Miracles don't exist, dreams are just imaginary, everyone doesn't care about you or what you're going through.

And like everything else I've tried doing to help, this won't get any attention. It seems like the universe forgot I existed or just made me to torment me. Because it just seems that I'm just a shadow in a dark place.

Forgotten and alone.

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

A few years ago aliens were supposed to reveal themselves on July 18th and we were supposed to become part of a galactic federation.

submitted 9 months ago by Monster96@lemmy.world to c/artshare@lemmy.world

I used Procreate

submitted 9 months ago by Monster96@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
just my luck... (lemmy.world)
submitted 9 months ago by Monster96@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml

It was THIS close to becoming a demo

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 35 points 9 months ago

I've been working on a video detailing a video game I'm making and for one of the sections in the video I talk about Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. For those parts I tried downloading some footage for it but it always came out blurry and low quality so I decided to record my own footage. I kinda regret that decision because I forgot how long that game is. So now I'm playing through this 30 hour game to get a few seconds footage from different chapters in the game.

[-] Monster96@lemmy.world 25 points 10 months ago

"Can you survive a throat slit?" "Is being stabbed in the back always fatal?" "Can you survive a neck break?" "How much blood loss is fatal?"

I'm doing research on wounds my characters experience in my book and seeing what I could inflict on them without instantly killing them. Don't worry, they only experience this as a plot point to highlight how strong they are. They'll survive whatever I enact on them.

submitted 10 months ago by Monster96@lemmy.world to c/artshare@lemmy.world

I used Clip Studio Paint

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