[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Do the cheats still work? When i got fed up i used to just get loads of mustangs and blow everything up. Or the monkey boy was fun.

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

It would be interesting to do it the Kotor way. In that game you could customise your character but there was also a canon version of the character which followed the light side ending and had specific clothing.

I thought i remembered that the writers considered revan to be female canonically too. In Kotor 2, in an early scene, atton refers to revan as "she" or "her" so potentially they intended that to be the case.

But in individual games it made no difference because you could customise.

Like when i read Harry Potter, i took the descriptions of the characters and they looked a certain way in my head, until the films came out and solidified how they all look to me. I think everyone did this. It didnt matter to me that they looked different in the films to how i imagined. It was just the "official" versions of them.

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 141 points 3 months ago

Is it now the norm to make the term WiFi synonymous with the term cellular/mobile data (or 4g/5g)

They are not the same thing.

Is this like when people call tablets ipads? Or call vacuums hoovers/dysons.

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 86 points 3 months ago

Also in powerpuff girls 10th anniversary special. Although not a complete reveal.

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 87 points 4 months ago

Sorry, what? Err, yes, of course it is... i mean, its not quite chicken nuggets in the fast food sense, its cut pieces of chicken breast fried in batter and tossed in sauce as opposed to mashed up and reformed chicken anythings battered and tossed in sauce so its a little higer quality.

Forgive me, but it's like saying a snickers is just a mars bar but with nuts in.

Or fries are just potato strips cooked in oil.

But yeah.

Most things are things

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 113 points 4 months ago

Apple already made a folding phone. It was called the iphone 6.

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 89 points 5 months ago

I seem to recall seeing a video or reading an article where they mention that the media turned antifa into a sort of separate word to warp its meaning. Instead of saying anti fascist, which has a clear meaning, they shortened it and changed the pronunciation 'an teefa' (something to do with which syllable you emphasise) so they could distort its meani g and demonise the word to make people think it was bad.

So now people dont realise antifa means anti fascist which is surely a good thing to be, and instead, they fear antifa as some kind of terrorist group, which is almost the opposite of what it is.

The funny thing is, as an outsider to this, living in the UK, our media doesn't ever use the term, and when i heard it, my instinct was to look up its meaning. It's interesting to me that i won't know if i would have fallen for it if the media were using it in the same way over here to lead my understanding of its definition

Woof! (i.imgur.com)
submitted 5 months ago by Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world to c/funny@lemmy.world


[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 100 points 6 months ago

Ah yes! Three of my favourite reptiles:

Spiders, Centipedes, and Scorpions.

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 91 points 7 months ago /0 ::/0



Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?

What happens to this data? What can/do they do with it? and why are so many people concerned about google tracking them?

Do i as an average user need to be concerned?

If so, What sorts of things can i do to avoid being tracked? Preferably without too much comprimise.

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 91 points 9 months ago

Why does anyone care? I dont mean care about trans people, i mean care about people wanting to transition.

Its so fucking stupid.

It doesn't affect you in any way. It screams the main character syndrome.

Just mind your own fucking business.

Im a cis gendered white male, and in my opinion, i dont care. Please do what you want and come be my friend if you want.

Lets have a pint and laugh at kevin.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world to c/jokes@lemmy.world

It's just gaslighting you

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 92 points 10 months ago

But im using sync for free.

Why are people so angry about this?


You are doing great!and i just need you to know, im proud of you. So keep up the good work! You're smashing it!

[-] Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world 144 points 11 months ago

Id say she got to know just about eveything she needed to know about this person.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

u/spez says that 90% of 3rd party apps will fall under the free model because they wont make enough API calls to come under the paid model. So how many times would we need to clone, and rename, the good 3rd party apps and split the users up between them to make reddit free again?

I think its still free if your app is making less than 100 queries per minute.

u/spez says that 90% of 3rd party app will be unaffected by the change... i thought... yeah... if there are like 5 3rd party apps that 99% or users use then the other 45 apps out there will have like 10 downloads each.. so what a misleading and dumb thing to say.

I guess you would need to limit how many people can be using each clone of the app but as elaborate as this is it would be funny to see that knobhead react to it if we did it.

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