[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 1 points 20 minutes ago

Pour moi c'est fait déjà en ligne, le 26 au 28 c'était je pense.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 2 points 12 hours ago

Je suis circo 4, celle a qui je faisais allusion c'est Juliette de Causans (écologie avec la majorité parlementaire, donc centre).

Si c'est comme moi la fenêtre de vote du premier tour est passée, non?

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 3 points 18 hours ago

Moi je suis votant a l'étranger et ma circonscription le premier choix c'était une "écologiste" totalement bidon qui vendait ses photos retouchées pour financer sa campagne, j'ai failli me faire avoir avant de regarder de plus près.... Du coup c'était une PS.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 2 points 18 hours ago

The kangaroo one just makes sense, it's only exotic because you're the only place with kangaroos, I bet they don't think twice about the same signs for their local wildlife.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 5 points 18 hours ago

Géniale la photo.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 1 points 18 hours ago

Does Germany ever "shine"? I was under the impression they tend to be solid and impenetrable, with some classically constructed tactics for scoring, but not fancy like Spain etc (I'm a noob).

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 3 points 20 hours ago

Bon c'était très bien comme article hein, mais France 3 régions on sent qu'ils sont en manques d'infos pour aller faire tout un écrit sur un Canadien random qui va au Hellfest haha.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 2 points 22 hours ago

Don't miss the chance to stop by a nice "bouchon" for one of your meals, yum yum 😋

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 18 points 22 hours ago

I think pigs have a black hole instead of a digestive system so probably not.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 11 points 1 day ago

I'm just here to appreciate the amazing stock photo, I'm picturing the photographer placing the tape over his desk feeling so cool about it.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 16 points 1 day ago

It's missing the part where they post jobs just to show they tried to recruit locally before getting someone on a visa (lower wages + high dependency on the company).

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 day ago

I raided at world top 50 level for a little while in wow (many moons ago). Dropped the game after that lol.

submitted 7 months ago by Obi@sopuli.xyz to c/music@lemmy.world
submitted 7 months ago by Obi@sopuli.xyz to c/music@lemmy.ml
submitted 9 months ago by Obi@sopuli.xyz to c/foss@beehaw.org

Hey there, I'm looking at producing my first documentary and one of the tools people use for that is called Studio Binder. It's an all-in-one for making your scripts, shotlists, moodboards, location scouting, storyboards, production planning, collaborators management etc etc.

Any of you know of similar tools that are FOSS? I think some VFX/animation pipelines also have similar needs.

I already found storyboarder for making panels which seems amazing but I'm getting a bit lost in the jungle of options for the project management/scripting side of things. I'm considering Airtable for example but might be overkill for my needs.

Ideally it's something tailored for filmmaking specifically but open to hearing about general purpose planners that can be adapted.

submitted 11 months ago by Obi@sopuli.xyz to c/meta@sopuli.xyz

I know that's the talk of the minute and the rest of Lemmy is bombarded with arguments about whether to defederate from threads or not.

I'm not looking to start the debates here as well but I'm just curious on our beloved admin's stance about it, are we going to allow federation with threads?

Dead feed? (sopuli.xyz)
submitted 1 year ago by Obi@sopuli.xyz to c/meta@sopuli.xyz

Hey there, so I registered to Sopuli recently and I'm still getting through the transition out of Reddit, I'll admit right now I'm enjoying the shit show too much to step away but once RiF stops working, I'm probably gonna be around here a lot more.

But right now my feed seems completely dead. I spent some time subscribing to some popular communities from different servers and I try browsing local, all and subscribed. Both hot and active serves me posts that are days, sometimes weeks old.

What can I do to get more content in my feed? I was just browsing the kbin front page (without an account) and was seeing fresher posts from Lemmy servers than I'm getting in Jerboa so it must be something wrong on my end and not just that's there's too little content.

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joined 1 year ago