[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works -1 points 6 days ago

We also extend some sympathy to the cigarette smoker, to the self harmer. Quitting smoking is HARD. It takes a ton of effort, nicotine is literally addictive. Self harm is indicative of any of a number of mental and emotional issues. Those are a nightmare to address

But at the end of the day, they should just grow up and do it, right? Just don't smoke. Just don't cut yourself. Just don't eat to excess. Simple.

Never mind the literal good deserts some people find themselves in. The decades of misinformation from lobbying groups. The fact that everyone has their own one weird trick,so you don't know who to believe. The fact that the cheapest food is often the least nutritious. The fact that, increasingly, people have to work more hours to get by, leaving less time for things like cooking a proper meal.

There are real societal factors that play into the obesity epidemic. We didn't get where we are because everyone was collectively like "let's just get fat, yeah?" - we were all brought to this point by the influences of the world around us. Personal responsibility is all well and good, but it's also not the whole game.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 68 points 2 weeks ago

Boeing has MASSIVE government contracts, and does a ton for both the military and NASA. They're absolutely bailout material, as much as it hurts me to say.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 59 points 1 month ago

Remember, though, that people, opinions, and political landscapes can change. Yes, Biden was pretty shit back in the 90s, but it actually feels a little bit like he's trying to move back in the other direction. Don't gotta forget the bad, but also can't forget the (attempts at) good

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 57 points 2 months ago

To share some of my own experiences:

I'm a cis, heterosexual, white male. I also pretty heavily defend human rights, try not to be a skeeze ball, and like to think of myself as generally a pretty decent dude. During the height of the MeToo movement and the #NotAllMen thing, though, it really felt like society as a large, or at least the parts of it I want to occupy, viewed many aspects of my simple existence as villainous.

Believe me, I KNOW that no one reasonable has ever thought it was all men, or all white people, or all straight people, or all cis gendered people. That doesn't stop it from hurting anymore when you're walking around the city with a woman you consider a really good friend, and she's posting pictures of stickers that actually DO say "all men suck" she finds to social media.

I'm also not blind. I know this is the same treatment that marginalized groups have faced since the dawn of time. Maybe it's finally time for men to get theirs. Or, we can all acknowledge that any condemnation over an immutable human feature just plain sucks. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 67 points 3 months ago

Touch screens are great in cars! For one purpose. The navigation. The touchscreen should only display navigation and function as a keyboard to search it, and only while the car is stationary. Everything else should have a physical control, at bare minimum as "backup"

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 58 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Killing in the Name by RatM. I'm a simple man.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 79 points 4 months ago

It's almost like the point is to show that depression is a thing that's not very well treated by having super cool things happen in life. That's the scary thing. Being successful, but still not being enough for yourself. Having friends having lovers, but still feeling like you're not worth the time of day. If everyone with depression only suffered from SLS, depression would be way less compelling and way less prevalent.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 60 points 5 months ago

Pity, no. A shared expression of annoyance at a platform we all used to enjoy becoming further and further enshittified, yes.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 64 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If all my friends jumped off a bridge, there's probably a good reason. I keep pretty intelligent friends. The bridge is probably collapsing or some shit. Wear a fuckin mask tho.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 89 points 5 months ago

FOMO. The answer is FOMO. buy the skin now, it won't be here forever.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 59 points 6 months ago

By realizing that it IS getting better. We live in a world now where information has exploded out of control. What this means is that we now know exactly what's going on everywhere, and it turns out that's a lot of shit.

That shit was still happening, but until fairly recently it was just out of the picture. The average person didn't know about any of it , couldn't do anything about it anyway, and thus it didn't really impact them.

Fast forward to today you hear of tragedies ALL THE TIME. Bad shit happening to good people for seemingly no reason. The difference here is that you just happen to know about it. The objective truth is that bad shit happens less today than it did at any other time in history. We just see every instance of it, not just our local community instances.

[-] Ookami38@sh.itjust.works 123 points 8 months ago

Remember everyone. If you see someone shoplifting from Walmart, no you didn't.

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