[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 20 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Clicking the link gives me the following warning:

The site ahead may contain harmful programs

Firefox blocked this page because it might try to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit).

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 28 points 6 months ago

There is a - pretty dead - community, but maybe some of you could revive it: !coolwebsites@lemmy.ca

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 20 points 7 months ago

I am not allowed to give blood, because i once got a blood transfusion in the eighties and i have a tiny, tiny risk of infecting people with mad cow disease. I only found out when i decided to give blood some years back and found out i am not allowed to.

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 26 points 7 months ago

Advertisements can be blocked or allowed. But my issue is with the secret tracking that goes on on most websites i encounter. I am willing to support good journalism, but i'm not willing to have my privacy invaded. Unfortunately, it is hard to separate them, because am i donating for good journalism, but also encouraging the tracking? When i donate, will they stop tracking me? Probably not.

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 22 points 8 months ago

It was not a kiss, it was sexual assault

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 26 points 8 months ago


And i make it a point to make sure i make everyone i meet feel heard and seen. So, i might wave at people collecting garbage, i make eye contact with the cassier en give them a warm smile, while wishing them a nice day. I might smile at random strangers in the street. I have had beautiful experiences doing this, and quite frequently people give me this startled look and then hesitantly smile back. And i do this sincerely, because i truly belief most people have a hard time already and i want to give them at least a nice moment in the day.

It makes life so much better. For people i meet and for myself as well.

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 19 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

For me it was the opposite. I remember one day, when i had only one very young child, that i sounded like my mother. That was the incentive to turn it around. It was hard work and there was no internet yet to give me advice.

Also, when my kids were in their teens i found it very helpful when i read a brochure about triple p parenting. I could not join them for a course, but the tip that changed a lot was; complimenting my kids instead *for good behavior *of berating them when they did something that was not 'good'. The results were really good and i felt happier in the process, because it was much nicer to compliment my kids instead of hearing yourself being annoyed when they did something 'bad'.

Edited to add a clarification, in italics

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 24 points 8 months ago

I trust them, but always remain vigilant, because things can change over time. But the founders initially were scientists who met at CERN, not a company that launched a product. That tells me quite a lot. Yes, over time they are becoming more professional, maybe more like a regular company, but i feel that privacy is still the main priority for them. They also organize a yearly event and the money they raise goes to certain projects that are related to privacy and freedom (if i remember correctly for instance to help journalists remain free press and things like that). Yes, it's one of the few companies that i really trust.

Also, yes, they sometimes are forced to give info to authorities (and they are quite open about that and explain what happened if people ask about that), but don't forget that they don't have much info on their clients, because everything is encrypted and they just cannot see what's inside a mail, for instance. So, they can't share that.

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 24 points 9 months ago

I heard about their plans maybe a month ago and i deleted all my stuff there and left youtube forever. I also already had deleted my gmail before that. I now use freetube on my pc and libretube on my phone.

It's tiring to have to take measures to make sure you can use the internet as it used to be, though. I feel like i have a digital armor with ghostery, encrypted email, foss software, etc, etc...

submitted 9 months ago by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Hi all,

I'm about to purchase my first overlocker -probably the Juki MO 654 DE, for the curious among you- and i can't find the answer to one question i have:

How do you choose yarn colors. I've heard it say that some use those 4 colors, like the threading guides indicate. And others use only white, i think? Does it have to do with the loopers and needles and what is visible on your fabric?

So, those of you with an overlocker; what do you do? Is it like choosing yarn colors with a regular sewing machine?

And bonus question; do these yarn cones last as long as they would on a sewing machine, or do overlockers consume more yarn per cone?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/protonprivacy@lemmy.world

Edit: thank you all for your answers, much appreciated to make an informed choice about the switch to linux.

As per title. I want to get rid of windows and switch to linux. I use all the proton products, both on android and windows. Is there anything i need to take into account, concerning proton? I know there is a linux version for vpn. But i seem to recall there isn't yet for the drive app but it was in the works? I have no idea how long that would take though, this year, next year?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I find it quite hard to find open source software for windows. In time i might switch to linux, but for now i am stuck with windows 10.

Is there some reliable place where you can search for open source software?

Or is it that devs usually just don't bother with windows?

EDIT: everyone, thank you so much for your input! I will check it all out. Yes, of course windows is evil, and i hope/expect to switch to linux before windows 11 comes around, but i still need it for a few programs, unfortunately. Once these come with a linux version - which is in the works - i can make the switch. Degoogling/demicrosofting is a process and i'm working on it.

Have a great weekend and thank you for the time to answer my question.

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 21 points 9 months ago

No, i don't block all bots. In fact, there are bots that i highly appreciate, like the Tl;dr bot, the bot that lists trending communities, and more.

submitted 9 months ago by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

I created a new post in a lemmy.world community and... it disappeared. Meaning, it did not show up in the community, nor is it visible in my profile. It's as if i didn't send it, but i did. I'm using the Photon app on the web and never had such a problem before. It was my first post on that community. When i clicked 'submit', i could just see the post as it would appear for everyone. But it never seems to arrive anywhere. I retried and created another post, same thing happens; not visible in my profile, nor in the community.

Could it be a moderation issue perhaps? It is a perfectly innocent post for a hobby community.

submitted 9 months ago by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

I'm going to cut a microfiber cloth in pieces to make small cloths to clean your glasses with. So, i was researching which overlock stitch best to use on my regular sewing machine and suddenly came across this scientific article:


Such a totally unexpected find, but it does make me think. I just had to share it with you, makes for a bit of a change, right :-)

(I submitted this post earlier, but it seems to never have made it to the community, so apologies if you see this post twice)

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Many websites have a - huge- part in their cookie wall, called 'legitimate interest'. I never allow them and i wonder; is this just a loophole to be able to force certain cookies on us anyway?

I can't imagine it is harmless, but i never hear anyone discussing these type of cookies.

EDIT: Everyone, thank you so much for taking the effort to answer. These replies were very helpful and often quite detailed. I've read them all and it certainly gives food for thought. I also read that EU page, which is indeed not really clarifying much.

I agree that we need to do as much as possible to block all these invaders of our privacy, though it is ridiculous that we have to make so much effort to protect ourselves. And i know many people around me, who just let it all happen and are sometimes not even aware of such things as trackers. And honestly, they shouldn't have to be aware, it is infuriating that these things are either allowed, or those companies taking the - small - risk to get away with it, because most people won't bother with law suits and what not, certainly not when so many websites have these shady practices...

Again, thank you; i'm glad i asked :-)


Not sure if this was brought up by others yet. I was trying to click links inside the daily post of trending communities and none of the links worked.


I noticed quite a lot of people confused about everyone having installed the new Boost, while their play store doesn't do anything and just showing their Boost app registration.

You need to follow this link, NOT go to Boost itself:


Boost is in a beta phase, so if you want to install it and test it out so you can inform the dev (you can do that in this community), then you can follow the link and install Boost that way.

Hope this helps. The above link was tucked away in the featured post, pinned at the top, but it seems to have been overlooked by some of us.

Enjoy and have a great weekend :-)


It's a very small request, but in the photon web app, all my accounts are shown and i just need to select one of them. In Boost, i need to click the down arrow and then select. It's a very, very minor request, but thought i would mention it anyway.


Sorry for the separate thread, but maybe it gives some people a little Boost to support the dev.

Like many others have said; it feels like home again and i can finally delete some (not all, just in case) other apps from my phone.

Thank you dev!


Is there an easy way to see if something is an instance or community on the fediverse, or 'just' a forum on the web? For instance, would it always be mentioned in a sidebar? I know there are lists of instances, but i am hoping for something easier. I might be overlooking something glaringly obvious, but i thought i would ask.

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 21 points 9 months ago

I really think it's a matter of context; how one was raised, what kind of people one interacts with, interest, etc.

I'm older and i know so much more than most of my age group. I learned a long, long time ago to not be afraid to try things out, my pc is not going to explode; to investigate when i'm stuck with some computer stuff; and i have adult kids who teach me things that i don't know enough about or share their views. Some of the communities i subscribed to are about tech, FOSS, android etc. I'm always really open to boost my knowledge.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Papanca@lemmy.world to c/askandroid@lemdro.id

Hi all,

I was thinking of gifting someone, who is going to travel, an airtag-ish thing for android. I don't know the first thing about them, but a quick search learned me that:

  • airtag is for apple - the person uses android

  • some of these gadgets have subscriptions - i don't want to saddle them up with additional money grabs

  • Tile seems to have a shady history, in the past selling locations of millions of users

It needs to be suitable for europe and asia, if that matters.

Could you give me some recommendations or info what i would need to consider?

Thank you for reading. Have a great day!

EDIT: thank you for your replies. I don't think i'm going to pursue this type of gift any further then.

[-] Papanca@lemmy.world 23 points 10 months ago
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