
joined 1 year ago
[–] Paradachshund 2 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

I'm with you on that. Burgers can definitely get too messy sometimes.

[–] Paradachshund 22 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

When I personally use it it means "OK, sounds good, I have nothing more to add but I read your message."

[–] Paradachshund 36 points 10 hours ago (7 children)

There are many many examples of predatory uses of in game currencies, but here are some big reasons devs use them besides being scummy.

  • Giving currency for free: giving people real money isn't something any dev wants to deal with, so giving in game currency allows this to happen. This also applies to games where you can convert free currency to premium currency.
  • Local currencies: currency packages can be set to local prices without having to localize the in-game economy itself. This simplifies development a lot.
  • Weak promotion support on distributor platforms: believe it or not, iOS and android have incredibly weak promotion and sale support. By giving in-game currency, it gets around that failing of the platforms because the game can do whatever it wants with the in-game currency.

Transparency is good, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

[–] Paradachshund 18 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

I didn't know there were other care-creatures besides bears

[–] Paradachshund 64 points 2 days ago (11 children)

I have no problem with short form video but I don't know why every video player for them is terrible

[–] Paradachshund 5 points 2 days ago

Have you tried getting flavored syrups and making your own? That would let you fully control the amount.

[–] Paradachshund 14 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Why do the French only eat one egg for breakfast?

Because one egg is un Ε“uf

  • this joke courtesy of my college French teacher.
[–] Paradachshund 2 points 3 days ago

OK good to hear!

[–] Paradachshund 2 points 3 days ago

I actually really have enjoyed the game itself but you aren't fucking kidding about the rest of it. It's truly insane how much friction there is between deciding to play and getting into a lobby.

[–] Paradachshund 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I known I'll like the game (the franchise is one of my all time favorites), it just had a lot of technical problems on launch so that's what I've been waiting to see improved. Sounds like it might still be kinda rough based on the first part of your comment.

[–] Paradachshund 6 points 3 days ago (7 children)

How's the game state these days? I've been waiting to play until it got fixed up.

[–] Paradachshund 4 points 4 days ago

No, don't you see? This person knows better than your lived experience. /s

Delete DMs? (self.boostforlemmy)

Is there no way to delete dms, or am I just missing it?


I've seen a lot of people on Lemmy singing the praises of proton mail and I've been considering making the switch. I was hoping those of you who use it might be able to give me a sense of the difficulty (or ease) of migrating my current setup to it.

Please keep things simple if you can. I'm not a very tech savvy person and don't understand a lot of the lingo and shorthand about this stuff.

Right now I have a single gmail inbox where I am forwarding several different accounts to it, some from gmail, others from different hosts. I really like this centralized setup, and I have it configured so I can also reply from any of these forwarded email addresses as well (it also automatically replies from whichever email the sender sent to).

Would any of this be hard or impossible to replicate in proton mail? My goal would be to slowly move away from gmail, but it will be a slow transition and I would need my current email addresses to forward to the new inbox as I do so.

Thanks for any insight.


I was recently on a vacation in Marseille, and I was really taken by the mayo there. This was often served with frites. Does anyone know a brand I could get in the west coast US that would be similar?

The main difference I noticed was a slight tang to it? Not sure how to describe it better. Hopefully someone has had it. πŸ˜…

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Paradachshund to c/lemmytoday

I originally chose this instance because it seemed to be aimed at people who don't really want to join a specific community. All I can say is I barely ever think about this instance and I mean that as a huge compliment. You guys run a tight ship with almost no hiccups or issues so far. Thanks for keeping the lights on.


I've been using duckduckgo for years now with no issues, but today I opened it and realized there were no longer any search results before scrolling. It was all ads/info cards. So I guess I'm looking for a replacement. Any suggestions?

Related: anyone know if there's a way in the Adnauseum Firefox extension to hide ads on a specific trusted site? I like their goal of not punishing ads following the do not track standard, but DDG has crossed a threshold and I now want to blacklist them specifically.


Is there any way in boost to browse all communities on an instance other than your own?


I'm so impressed with the regular events in Lowland Shore so far. I think they're the best in the game excepting maybe Grothmar. Just like that zone they managed to make almost all of them have some little gameplay twist or gimmick that makes them more interesting than bog standard versions we've seen a hundred times before.

I'm honestly having so much fun exploring this map and just taking it in as it comes. Such a great feeling after years of repetitive meta events that all boil down to the same zerg rush gameplay.

Janthir actually makes me want to log in and get lost in the world in a way I haven't felt for a while.


I use Gboard.

The main things I like about it are:

  • Very customizable (I like having number row always visible, and having long press for symbols on each letter).
  • Has gif support built in.

My biggest pain point is:

  • It auto corrects words that are spelled correctly to other words. I type "our" and it changes to "out", I recently typed "purpose" and it changed it to "purple". Autocorrect is awesome and necessary, but I hate that it corrects words to other words and not just typos. I wish I could find a keyboard that has the things I like without this annoyance.

Am I looking for a unicorn? Let me know! πŸ˜„


I made a comment to this effect the other day. Scrolling through this community, out of about the 10 most recent posts, I see one that is borderline oniony and the rest are just straight up news, mostly US politics-related.

Is this OK? Is this what this community is for? I ask because I want to see can't-believe-it's-real headlines, but if this is going to be another doom scroll bad news sub I'm going to leave and look elsewhere. Just curious to hear people's feelings on this before I do.


What are some of your favorite content creators that highlight small indie games? Can be big or small, I'm just looking to find some lesser known games for a change.

Edit: I'm checking all of these out, thanks everyone!


Has something new come along? It's been so long since I've needed to do this that I assume CCleaner has enshittified by now.


I haven't been following the general reactions to the new patch, but fair warning going into this that I personally was pretty disappointed in it from a story standpoint.

I was very pleased with Soto overall, and I think they seriously improved on many of the issues I've had with the writing over the years, but I can't help but feel that somehow it has regressed in the newest patch.

The crux of my issue is that I want to distrust peitha and keep her at arms length, but it really feels like the story is making it crystal clear that I'm not allowed to feel that way. The speed at which not just my character, but even the astral ward, an organization dedicated to stopping her kind for thousands of years, is happy to not only help her, but to frequently espouse how much they trust her completely. I don't think I've ever felt less connected to my character.

I was hoping for the story to keep her in a suspicious and interesting place, where we're helping her for now but no one is sure what to think yet. Instead we're back to the often hamfisted story telling of the end of dragons era, where it feels like every character is to be taken at complete face value.

To be honest I hope she does betray us, because that would at least be an interesting direction, and something to shake my character's naive level of confidence. Though if they do go that way at this point they laid it on pretty thick with the implicit trust angle.

I'm curious if anyone else feels the same, or differently. Would love to hear other's takes on it.

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