[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

I mean I hate that the steam controller is missing an entire thumb stick and a dpad, but I like the touchpad too. This just seems like an PS4 controller.

[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 30 points 4 days ago

This is written by Ray Dalio, the conservative billionaire.

The "extremist left" he is worried about is Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax on billionaires.

eye roll

[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

Unbelievably amazing

[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

Wow that's good news, I'll have to give it a shot

The moon (lemmy.world)
[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 13 points 6 days ago

Am I going to have a bad time trying to switch to Wayland? I just use discord, Spotify, steam, some basic steam games, Krita, and emacs


There's no reason why not

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Pencilnoob@lemmy.world to c/til@lemmy.ca
Shitpost (lemmy.world)
[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 109 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Chainsaw and a skylight. A big one too, like one of these

And yeah, yeah, I've heard they are a pain to maintain and break easily. I don't care, I'll fix it every week if that means I get a balcony and fresh air every day.

Balin's Folly (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Pencilnoob@lemmy.world to c/mildlyinteresting@lemmy.world


The word bimbo derives from the Italian bimbo, a masculine-gender term that means "little or baby boy" or "young (male) child" (the feminine form of the Italian word is bimba).

As bimbo began to be used increasingly for females, exclusively male variations of the word began to surface, like mimbo and himbo, a backformation of bimbo, which refers to an unintelligent, but attractive, man.

grunting rule (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Pencilnoob@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
Name rule (lemmy.world)
Ships with legs! (www.dco.uscg.mil)

Ships used for building offshore windfarms. Some have legs for raising up off the ocean floor

Adventure rule (lemmy.world)
[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 54 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

This the same famously corrupt Ken Paxton who is indicted on securities fraud and bribery? Who then was suspended from office by the TX house of representatives?


Sure seems like he should be worrying more about his own affairs rather than oppressing trans folks

[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 51 points 4 months ago

Fasting has changed my life.

Fast for 20 hours, eat for 4, then do whatever I want 1 day a week. I've lost 50 pounds and kept it off for 8 years. Any time I start to creep back up, I'll start fasting again. Magic.

[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

I really should mark this nsfw

[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 51 points 9 months ago

A classic that kind of means the same thing is "me thinks he doth protest too much" from Shakespeare to indicate someone who brings up a topic they are guilty of.

[-] Pencilnoob@lemmy.world 80 points 10 months ago

"and then we told them, everyone getting to vote isn't a fair election"

"And then we told them, we only hate trans people, not gays and blacks"

"And then we told them, deregulation frees billionaires to take care of the planet more efficiently"

"And then we told them, school shootings are caused by not enough guns in schools"

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