[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 12 points 3 months ago

There are FF addons that can do that for you. Otherwise you have to manually change the www into old.

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

It means that the media has influenced your whole population in favor of clicks and pushed the right wing agenda because it was selling. Crazy


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12521221

Dear all, I have some questions for what I'm about to do with my HomeLab. I recently upgraded my connection to a 1000/1000 and the ISP sent me this shit ass router (Fastweb Nexxt) which is very locked down. I want to change it.

Today this Fastweb Nexxt is not doing DHCP because I'm running a VM with OPNSense on it from which I manage IP reservation etc.

The fiber connection comes to my house and it's connected to a small box, an ONT from ZTE. Then an ethernet cable goes to the wan port of the Fastweb Nexxt and then LAN to my server where the OPNSense VM is hosted.

Now, I'm open to solution, the goal is to remove the Fastweb Nexxt.

The "Cheap" idea would be to use a USBC to Ethernet cable so to add a second Ethernet card to my server and connect the ZTE device to it. I would then assign in OPNSense this cable as WAN and leave the existing card as LAN for the switch. I'm quite sure I would need as well to clone the MAC address of the Fastweb Nexxt device and assign this MAC to the wan of my OPNSense right?

I'm open to any kind of suggestion, even something like "this is the best home-router for 100€"

submitted 3 months ago by PeroBasta@lemmy.world to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

Dear all, I have some questions for what I'm about to do with my HomeLab. I recently upgraded my connection to a 1000/1000 and the ISP sent me this shit ass router (Fastweb Nexxt) which is very locked down. I want to change it.

Today this Fastweb Nexxt is not doing DHCP because I'm running a VM with OPNSense on it from which I manage IP reservation etc.

The fiber connection comes to my house and it's connected to a small box, an ONT from ZTE. Then an ethernet cable goes to the wan port of the Fastweb Nexxt and then LAN to my server where the OPNSense VM is hosted.

Now, I'm open to solution, the goal is to remove the Fastweb Nexxt.

The "Cheap" idea would be to use a USBC to Ethernet cable so to add a second Ethernet card to my server and connect the ZTE device to it. I would then assign in OPNSense this cable as WAN and leave the existing card as LAN for the switch. I'm quite sure I would need as well to clone the MAC address of the Fastweb Nexxt device and assign this MAC to the wan of my OPNSense right?

I'm open to any kind of suggestion, even something like "this is the best home-router for 100€"

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

Tipping then should be a fix amount. Is not like if i pay 15$ for a pasta or 50$ for a stake there is a differenze in service.

Once it's a fix amount, they could.... Drumrolls.... Include it in the menu prices!

Anyway i know is not your fault and it's the american system that is cheating but you can vote with your wallet

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 12 points 4 months ago

So let's say you go buy a car, do you leave a coupple thousands more for good measure?

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 12 points 4 months ago

I'd like to hear the whole story, like how hold was the scammed guy etc.

To me it smells like he was an accomplice, or a very old person who is full of his company shit.


Hi, my current setup is the following

Windows server pc with hyperV (it's a weird choice I know but I wanted to experiment with stuff I'm also using at work) hosting some VMs:

  • OPNSense (doing dhcp server)
  • owncloud (personal cloud)
  • pihole

Till yesterday I had a fix public IP to reach my owncloud via port forwarding from my work laptop and as well my two desktop (outside my network)

Can you suggest a more secure way of doing it? Any general other suggestion to make my setup better?

Thank you

PS: i have no budget constrain but I'm usually not prompt to waste money :D

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 8 points 6 months ago

I believe the dots and commas between numbers are used randomly and cause confusion.

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 7 points 6 months ago

I feel like it depends a lot to who, in Italy, you are talking to. There are very heavy accent from north to south and a lot of dialects influences all over Italy.

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 9 points 6 months ago

In Italy taxis are a monopoly and uber is forbidden. For a 1h ride they ask you 120-150€. Luckily by train you can do the same ride quicker and for 5-10 euro.


Are we accepting this now? I just plugged my phone sideways on a stand and I got ads. Nice Apple, thank you.

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 25 points 6 months ago

Yeah. Fuck that title.

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 9 points 7 months ago

I stay seated until i can get up and leave without queueing. Usually I walk past the whole plane while going to the exit because they are lost, on the phone, waiting for friend, being retarded.

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 17 points 7 months ago

Thats literally gay

[-] PeroBasta@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

Incredible. I clicked to read the article, but there was no article! A title and a sentence.

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