
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

If such a faulty experiment is the basis of our ethics it's little wonder why the world has become such a cynical and nihilistic place.

Suggesting an alternative isn't refusing to engage with the hypothetical, it's engaging in the hypothetical in a way that someone who thinks they're so smart for studying philosophy should really fucking know how to entertain.

And again, the whole question was devised to point out that both answers are horrifying, morally bankrupt, and a logical conclusion of a faulty school of ethics, so insisting the question is "basic ethical philosophy" is just damning the entire foundation even more.

You're not making a case that I should feel embarrassed about a snafu in philosophical thinking, you're making a case that the real trolley problem is whether I should have gone back and shot the philosophy majors you think were snickering behind my back before they could do any actual damage by indoctrinating someone with actual deciding power into their effective death cult school of ethics where never thinking twice about "someone dies anyways" outcomes is perfectly reasonable.

Your "foundational ethics question" is equally as ridiculous as asking if I'd cheat on my SO if it would cure their cancer and also they wouldn't forgive me for it. That's not how anything ever works and insisting there's some deep meaning in it is a farce, and the author of the question itself intended for it to be a farce, and trying to defend it as anything but a farce just makes you a farce

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Anything not bolted down, benches, trash cans, hell if it's small enough you could try throwing stuff at it directly to tip it off the track

[–] -1 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

If reminding a bunch of people that trolleys are typically built in places with a lot of stuff that can be thrown on the track is all it takes to "beat" philosophy, then maybe the philosophers didn't have anything to say worth listening to in the first place.

Especially when they're trying to ask questions to determine a moral course of action, why does anyone have to die when some property damage would do the trick just as well?

That's why the question was devised in the first place, to illustrate how ridiculous the two schools of thought represented by either decision were when taken to their logical conclusion.

The original correct answer was to do something more productive than just standing around with your thumb up your ass debating utilitarianism vs not taking a direct action to kill someone.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

Trolleys aren't trains

[–] 4 points 5 hours ago

What'd be more productive would be enforcing a reformed model.

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[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

Yeah I really hope the current direction they're going in with the Emperor's new plan isn't just a reveal that this is what he's been planning the whole time.

I dunno, I just feel like it doesn't hit right unless it's what happened because the emperor realized over the last ten thousand years that he might have done fucked up a teensy bit by treating the primarchs the way he did.

[–] 9 points 5 hours ago (5 children)

So something I've always wondered is if it would be possible for a "stable" form of cancer to eventually metastasize an entire person, and then that person just becomes a walking living tumor but is entirely stable.

[–] 9 points 18 hours ago

Nah, I've had some pretty bomb handjobs, that single one was where things went bad

[–] 6 points 18 hours ago

I was talking about the philosophy problem itself not the FPTP vote. As you could probably guess from the context of me dunking on the philosophy majors so much.

[–] 19 points 20 hours ago

Suggesting it's easier to convince a Midwestern football coach/car dad to go vegan than an NYC germaphobe is a level of optimism I have never seen

[–] 9 points 21 hours ago

Kinda, I go overboard on tips, I cover night out bills for friends, I round up on receipts, biggest charitable act I participate in is helping my dad out with an org his church is a part of (normal "doing the good works" kind of church that doesn't do weirdo evangelical shit), and recently supporting the org my GF works for because I like bein' a cheerleader for the schtuff she gets excited about :3.


To review from my previous post,

  • 7 Stripes for 7 Articles instead of 13 for 13 colonies.

  • 27 Stars for 27 Amendments instead of 50 for 50 states.

  • Colors borrowed from Plains Nations cardinal direction colors as a way to include land recognition in the design.

I originally tried using The Statue of Liberty's Torch as a visual divider between both sides, but some folks opined that it was a bit too hard to discern, so instead I leaned a bit more into the land recognition aspect and borrowed a Northeastern Nations bit of iconography, the broken arrow being a symbol of peace, and a two arrow exchange representing war.

Decided to pull a Venice and include a peacetime and wartime variant of the flag just to be quirky:P.


Instead of 13 stripes and 50 stars for colonies and states, this flag features 7 stripes and 27 stars for Articles of the Constitution and ensuing Amendments to it. I feel like mere territorial growth doesn't tell the story of America's development as a society and republic as well as tracking the changes to its constitution. Especially the voting rights amendments.

Colors borrow from the cardinal direction colors used by Indigenous American nations, (black and blue are interchangeable depending on which nation your speaking to). This was done to bake some land recognition into the flag.

Lastly the torch of Lady Liberty is included both to visually distinct the flag from the original stars and stripes, but also to signify America's status as a nation of immigrants. 99% of all Americans today either are an immigrant themselves or have an ancestor within living memory who was one, and Lady Liberty became a sort of patron saint of such folks by being the first sight a lot of people saw coming to America for the first time, not to mention how she's technically an immigrant herself having been gifted from france.


Felt like we could all use some throwback humor.


The man regularly outwits far more supposedly cognizant opponents including Batman and Lex Luthor, who are canonically recognized as two of thr smartest people on the entire planet.

Edit: I'm not saying insane people are stupid, I'm saying that Joker's mental illnesses are pretty obviously behavioral, they don't affect his perception of reality. He's perfectly capable of understanding what he's doing and how it's wrong, in fact his character almost doesn't work if he doesn't, he just thinks that it's all hilarious anyways. That's why I said he's not insane, he just pretends to be, because he'd be fit to stand criminal trial as fully competent and cognizant of his actions.


(The light from the takeoff event is just now reaching their planet from Earth all those lightyears away)

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