
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Doesn’t change he voted for Biden

As already explained, this is not equivalent.

A normal person wouldn’t disavow something.

Yes, they absolutely would, especially when they're nazis.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (13 children)

Even the leader of the Neo Nazis voted for Biden.

There are more Neo Nazis groups in America than just one. And the particular one you mention was immediately disavowed by Biden.

When Trump was endorsed by the same guy, Trump said nothing until he was pressured to do so.

The valid conclusion here is not the one you're coming to.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (11 children)

If you don’t want to talk about conservative politics then why be here ?

Never said that I didn't want to talk about conservative politics. This question is a bad faith one.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (13 children)

Too much racism

That's a good joke. Republicans are placing bans on teaching black history, vote to keep confederate statues, have literal neo-nazis on their side, all while waving confederate flags.

Nothing the democrats could ever do could ever compete with that.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The fact that some people claim to be Christian without actually following Christ does not mean there's no true Christian. It's entirely possible for you to choose to become Christian.

That's not what a no true scotsman fallacy means. It's a fallacious way to deflect people from being a part of a group. It is not a statement that no such group exists.

The only value we can have in life comes from God. When someone gives you a Bible verse, that is likely the most valuable thing you receive all day, if not all year.

Then it's quite odd how I have value in my life despite it being secular. It's almost like there are many sources of value in life beyond religion.

Thank you for all of this thought-provoking conversation

You are welcome. And thank you for keeping this as civil as it has been.

I pray you may yet find God

Like I said, you're not the first so I wouldn't bet on that.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

numbers wise he was a good President. Our economy was better while it was mostly shutdown than it has been the whole time with Biden.

The numbers are generally better across the board for Biden than Trump, and the same goes for democrats vs republicans as a whole.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

A woman is an adult FEMALE person.

So you think this person is a woman?

They don't look like a woman to me. You can't honestly tell me that a straight man would find this person sexually attractive. Seems to me that it is the conservatives that are confused.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

My starting premise is God, and with penitent humility, God is my foregone conclusion.

You have no method to reach truth then, because you've shut out the possibility of anybody other than you being correct. That is incredibly vain.

It's not an argument of any type.

It's not a formal argument, but you know what I meant.

A prophet is someone who knows God's plan as it applies to many people. So yes, you claimed that prophets are heretics.

That's not what I said though. I never even used the word in the first place.

They might indeed make true statements or valid arguments now and then, but they can only do so in service of the Beast, attempting to lead others down the road to Hell.

And as a result you cannot dismiss evidence based on who is presenting it.

Nothing wrong with respecting authorities, and trusting their assessments. God is, after all, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

You've completely missed my point.

But that's no fallacy;

It's a true scottsman fallacy.

My only goal post is your acceptance of Christ.

Then I would recommend that you familiarize yourself with how logical fallacies work, because you've been using so many of them.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Apology accepted. In case you're curious to learn about it, you might click here. It's a good topic for online classes, in case you ever find yourself with spare time.

Thank you, I'll try to take a look at some point.

Did they skip all the parts about mammon, or did you just ignore them? They're fairly central to Jesus's ministry.

No matter what I answer here, it will just feed into this no true scottsman fallacy you have with the definition of "christian".

It does, in fact.

It seems that you are beginning with the premise that it is true. Again, that would ultimately mean that much of what you say is based on a circular argument.

I'd do my best to read it and wrap my head around the point you were trying to make.

I'm not talking about understanding though. I'm talking about the value you derive from something you read. I don't get any value out of bible verses. It's just junk to me even if I understand it.

So I find it discouraging and disheartening to know you haven't been reading them, and seriously considering them.

I've definitely been reading them. But it's next to impossible for me to take them seriously when the whole think is so wrong.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Of course the Devil lies

So then if you understand that there is a chance that what your reading is lies, then why don't you put any effort into determining if what you are reading is lies?

The golden standard for belief is a mustard seed.

That parable says nothing about it being the gold standard.

And who do you think has been motivating you to do that?

Time and again, it is the Holy Spirit who moves you. God loves you despite your continued rejection of Him. Yet every time you receive another opportunity to drink of His water, you instead choose to follow your demons.

None of this is true. My motivations are my own.

I'm guessing you didn't actually read Romans 1:18-32. Please do.

Like I said in the other thread, I don't derive any value from bible verses.

Faith exists only because belief is a direct choice.

For the sake of experiment, choose to believe that the moon is made of cheese then. You can't do it, because you know better.

Surely you don't deny the existence of faith.

Depends what you mean by "faith".

If you're talking about blind faith, then it exists as much as any other concept can, and it is almost by definition an error.

If by faith you mean trust, then in the same way it exists. But even that is based on information you hold to believe as true, which is not something that is under anybody's direct control.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Why aren't guns allowed at the RNC?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I quoted the true word of God — the holy Bible.

That's a circular argument. If the devil had a holy book you'd see the same thing about how the devil is the good guy.

I'm not trying to prove anything here. If you think I am, I have to wonder what led you to think that.

I do not think that. I linked it because it is the golden standard for belief, and it requires evidence before belief.

I am planting a seed, and praying your soil is fertile.

I've been having these sorts of conversations with christians for over a decade. If christians had anything convincing to say, I think I would have heard it by now.

Your primary goal here, by contrast, is laid out in Romans 1:18-32.

it's not. I'm honestly just talking with you for the sake of enjoyment at this point.

You're fully immersed in it. But until you establish a penitent relationship with God, you are blind.

The "look at the trees" argument is an invalid one.

If you're honestly not trying to prove how clever you are, then submit to God in faith, and the copious evidence can then be revealed to you.

Nope, evidence must come before belief, and belief is not a direct choice.

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