[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 109 points 2 months ago

Dunno why PowerToys isn't bundled by default tbh.

PowerToys give the user more power, which goes directly against Microsoft's own goal.

Also, less seriously, "toys" implies the user might enjoy the experience, and you know they can't let that happen.

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 37 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

If I may be pedantic for a second, The End of the World was originally from albinoblacksheep. YTPs came much later 🤓

Now for a tiny subset of my trigger phrases:

"Don't forget your umbrella!"

"Tomorrow I'll-”

"If that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's too bad!"

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 37 points 3 months ago

So they've (officially) done nothing wrong? Does that imply that it's not wrong to laze about while a shooter—who they obviously knew about—works unimpeded to hollow out classrooms with a fucking carbine?

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 65 points 3 months ago

Infinite money sounds great, but if you activate this glitch the Law faction becomes hostile toward you and their aggro range is increased.

There is a similar cheat that you can activate with a cheat code, but your parents need to input the code on the title screen before starting your game. You'll start in "New Game +" with huge bonuses to cash and influence. The Law faction becomes friendly toward you, and the MegaRich are neutral instead of hostile, and they'll even forgive minor grievances sometimes.

I never learned the code so I can't help much more than that. Sorry 😔

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 45 points 4 months ago

One of my favorites

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 33 points 4 months ago

It's the neutered males that we should be afraid of.

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 32 points 4 months ago

I did it once, on my first play through in like 2012. As I recall, everything about it is super awkward, and combined with the robotic NPC animations, it just made me feel embarrassed to be going through with it lol.

Then it felt like every other line from her had "my husband" shoved in. It got really annoying before too long.

Also never adopted a child in the game because Bethesda's child NPCs are always dog shit (IMO). Actually the ones in Fallout 3 had an interesting thing going on with their commune, but they are still insufferable.

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 33 points 7 months ago

Did she forget that the core of her entire religion is fear? What does the term "god-fearing" mean to her?

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago

More people should watch Peep Show. I couldn't stop myself once I started the binge, despite how incredibly awkward the scenes can get. They did some really great stuff with the POV and inner monologue aspects.

That Mitchell and Webb Look is also very good, and yes, there's more to it than "Are we the baddies?" and Numberwang!

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 36 points 8 months ago

I'm surprised that nobody mentioned (or I missed) lens dirt. Why in the hell does my fps character have dirt on his eyeballs?

And water drops streaking down the screen during rain! If you have to depict rain on the eyes, make it blur the entire screen and cause the player to "blink" once or twice. Except don't because that also doesn't belong in video games. I can maybe see that adding to the immersion in a Mirror's Edge-like game though, as annoying as it would be.

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 108 points 8 months ago

You mean there's more of me out there?!

✅ No buffering, music starts instantly

✅ No connection issues

✅ No monthly money drain

✅ No arbitrary access or availability revocation

❌ No immediate access to any song I want to hear, but

✅ I'm patient

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 41 points 8 months ago

Should be "financial security" imo.

The prospect of not even being able to afford a "cheap" roof over my head scares me regularly.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Let's assume we're not stopped at a traffic signal.

This is only anecdotal, but I heard once that you're not supposed to stop altogether, rather drive at a slower pace so as to let it pass quickly. The person said what was more important is that drivers don't make sudden changes to their behavior. An EMT driver can more safely maneuver if they don't have to predict what any one knucklehead will do the moment they get close.

If this is wrong or needs clarification, please enlighten me!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

TL;DR: Have a very expensive laptop and want to make sure I can create a partition on two SSDs in RAID 0 without messing up everything.

Hi everyone!

I'm pretty new to Linux and I'd like to get Mint running on my Windows machine. I used Ubuntu way back in maybe 2010 and I didn't really get why it was so great, except for "holy shit look at the kickass desktop cube!" I also use Arch By The Way with my Steam Deck, but that barely counts as "using" Linux.

These days I'm much more privacy- and FOSS-minded (not to mention more tech-savvy and comfortable with the CLI since becoming a web dev) so I'm ready and excited to take it more seriously. I definitely want to keep Windows on here to keep a more reliable option for playing games.

Now to the meat and potatoes: my laptop came with this storage configuration (capture from the product page): From my limited understanding of RAID 0, the two m.2 drives are used as if they're one, with the data being "striped" across them. Would that lead to any issues when I create a primary partition for Mint? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but the last thing I want to do is ruin my laptop.

Here's what Disk Management shows, in case the additional info. is needed:

I would really appreciate any advice y'all can offer!

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