[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago

Neat! That reminds me of this thing I saw years ago. I wonder if the underlying phenomenon is the same.

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago

Satanic panic is their whole life. I really pity them. They live in constant fear of not only their god who supposedly "loves" them, but another deity who also doesn't exist.

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

I'm right there with you. People need to focus on their own lives and not the private life (and health!) of those who live in the highest echelon.

But also

celebrity warship


[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 29 points 4 months ago

The RNC is so pathetic they need to make an effort to stop slobbering his cock while he steps on theirs. How embarrassing...

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 32 points 4 months ago

I did it once, on my first play through in like 2012. As I recall, everything about it is super awkward, and combined with the robotic NPC animations, it just made me feel embarrassed to be going through with it lol.

Then it felt like every other line from her had "my husband" shoved in. It got really annoying before too long.

Also never adopted a child in the game because Bethesda's child NPCs are always dog shit (IMO). Actually the ones in Fallout 3 had an interesting thing going on with their commune, but they are still insufferable.

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 30 points 6 months ago
  1. Place in bucket
  2. Break bottle with hammer
  3. Grab your favorite silly straw
  4. Betray yourself
[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 33 points 8 months ago

Did she forget that the core of her entire religion is fear? What does the term "god-fearing" mean to her?

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 25 points 8 months ago

Is that you, Bill?

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

I also hope he ties himself to the rest of his fellow lunatics, but they'll simply say he's a Democrat plant or some shit. "Lone wolf" at the very least. It's all so tiresome

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 25 points 9 months ago

I'm sure he was "just following orders" 🙄

[-] ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world 31 points 9 months ago

I loathe seeing ads in any medium whatsoever, especially a medium I use for escaping this ad-filled apocalypse of a world we all live in. Why on Earth would I willingly force ads onto people who have generously supported me doing the thing I love most?

Disclaimer: I haven't made any games yet, but someday "soon"...

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