[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I'd be hungry again in like 10 minutes.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Because in America we believe strongly in our rights: specifically the right to tell people they don't have the right to speak any language they want. It's called freedom man!

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I think we're saying the same thing.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago

Wouldn't the phone have to have your fingerprint stored in order to compare it to the one scanned?

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Wow. I could just picture a pile of ebikes so catching fire. I've seen pictures of bike racks in China. I can only imagine the bicyclier horror.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Thanks for the reply. My wife and I have ebikes with the batteries built into the frame. I love mine but now I'm concerned about charging them. I usually do it overnight in the garage. When I build projects I use NiMh batteries. Almost as good, cheaper and safer.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 8 points 4 days ago

I'd like to know if those comments are true, about not leaving Lithium ion batteries charging too long. There are four things that will cause a lithium ion battery to go Thermo-nuclear:

  1. Shorting them.
  2. Trying to charge them after the voltage has dropped below a certain level.
  3. Overcharging them.
  4. Exposing them to air (punctures).

Due to this, all lithium ion batteries require a battery management system. Leaving them plugged in should just cause the battery manager to stop charging them until they need charging again.

Comments? I'm guessing some of these fires are caused by poorly implemented BMS systems.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

But few people but a car based on emissions, so why then did SUVs become popular? Or is it the case of manufacturers wanted us to like SUVs, so they made that happen.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 7 points 4 days ago

$3500 for solar power is a pretty good deal. If it were that cheap, I'd have solar power now.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Don't know anything about this from personal experience, but I thought I heard a report a while back about a fairly large number of hikers in the UK injured or killed by cows. So I'm guessing, not as dangerous as crocodiles but still best to be careful.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago

I see. I'm confused by this too. When I was young vans were popular and station wagons were definitely more prominent. Vans fell out of popularity presumably because they were built on a truck chassis. Minivans drove better. Station wagons also fell out of favor. I guess because they were too family truckster.

So what happens? SUVs become popular which are basically station wagons built on a truck chassis. Go figure.

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 22 points 6 days ago

I disagree. They have gotten smaller on the inside. Totally agree in that. But the rest of the vehicle is definitely larger...and heavier. Look at a corolla today vs. there 80's. It's the size of a Camry back in the day. Trucks and SUVs, too. They don't fit in garages now. Remember mini trucks? Well no more.

I think to meet safety standards, they have more crumple zones. Plus they have more features, which take up space the passengers would normally use. Finally I think people just like larger vehicles. Maybe they feel safer, even if they aren't or they like the intimidation factor. I don't know.

Trucks are larger because of the footprint of the wheels is large enough, they have to meet different efficiency standards. But I think a lot of that was driven by manufacturer.


Pretty much what the title says. I know he's a former president and has all of his supporters, but what's the official reason? Thanks.

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