[-] Quasari@programming.dev 5 points 6 months ago

They could of made Dax join with Arjin(Geoffrey Blake) and make it like Curzon choosing Jedzi. At least we'd have better context of the character and we wouldn't have had to spent half of the last season establishing and developing Ezri.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 5 points 7 months ago

Government jobs love them though, Security+ is required for a lot of DoD jobs.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 8 points 7 months ago

If it's repeated offenses like the example in the article, it's a little harder to prove it wasn't intentional.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 7 points 8 months ago

You are probably right. Devices like these in the old days used to require you hook up an official controller to it to get past the drm. Likely will evolve back to that.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 8 points 8 months ago

The 1m was confiscated because it was ‘illegal income’, not because he used VPN.

Yes, it’s still shitty that using VPN to access GitHub makes his income illegal

using VPN ... makes his income illegal

Yes, they fine wasn't a flat 1m or whatever, but because he earned it while using a VPN on and off(cuz the great firewall periodically blocks github). None of that would of happened if he didn't use a VPN, so saying that the direct reason he's in trouble isn't why he got punished is less honest.

If your complaint is about how the number was determined, perhaps it would be better as "Chinese programmer ordered to pay entire income(1m yuan) for using Virtual Private Network." Honestly, either headline is fine as long as the details of how that number was chosen is in the article.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 4 points 9 months ago

Lol at mobile autocorrect, I wanted to say exfiltrated.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 11 points 9 months ago

It's a contract thing called detrimental reliance. As I understand it, basically you relied on a promise to do something only in the event the promise was upheld then it wasn't. It wouldn't hurt to speak to a lawyer for a consultation. I doubt you'd get the job back, but they could be liable for the damages caused by moving.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 2 points 9 months ago

While the concept as capitalism didn't exist, there are certainly many facets of the ancient economy that are facets of capitalism.

Most of the economy was privately held, just certain facets of modern capitalism like corporations didn't exist.

So, while you are technically true, you know exactly what they are talking about. We can't 100% relate, but issues like laborers getting a fair wage and the rich exploiting the poor were just as relevant then as now.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 12 points 9 months ago

They are laying off people not on strike in response to the strike and blaming those on strike for it.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

You are probably correct. I don't know if it's true, it's probably more likely it was a way for it not to fail.

I said HTTP mainly because HTML is plaintext because of it. 1.0s main purpose was to manipulate the page. Of course Array objects weren't added til 1.1, when netscape navigator 3.0 released, but it was still mostly 1.0 code. I felt like having everything be coercable to string made it easy for you to just assign it to the document. If you assigned the wrong thing it wouldn't crash.

I originally thought there was a precursor to microsofts XMLHTTP in an earlier version due to the 1997 ECMAScript documentation specifically talking about using it both client and serverside to distribute computations, but it was far more static. So, I'm probably just wrong.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 7 points 10 months ago

Add to it the gun law was declared unconstitutional by the fifth circuit Court of appeals recently, it's likely the only charges he'll be facing are tax related. It's funny because the gun charge was the only thing holding back his plea deal.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 5 points 11 months ago

Neither was Ted Cruz, but he still ran in the primary.

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