
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 2 days ago

Literally just survivorship bias!

The ones who survived to grow old were the ones that benefited from the system. Thus they think the system did just fine. Because for them, it did!

[–] 13 points 2 days ago

Literally me haha

[–] 9 points 4 days ago

My own experience with local organizing in the Imperial Corps is similar but different in important ways.

The local communist group is trying to be active in impactful wats, especially around Palestine, which is awesome. At the end of the day, we work with a ton of people that are not communists, which is great! We're trying to bring people in, and after all, the group that we are directly participating in is a pro-Palestine group, not communist directly.

But many of the core members seem to have a lot more emphasis on building "us", instead of helping Palestine. And that has rubbed a bunch of people, including me, the wrong way. In fact, they aren't necessarily ultra-communists that are armchair theorists, but unfortunately they just aren't seemingly doing the work that the public actually wants.

To be fair, organizing around my area is really tough. There's a ton of anarchists who would rather just light fires and walk away than do what we would call principled work, communist or not.

Don't feel bad about not wanting to participate in the purists or the ones that maybe don't have their heart in the right place. It's totally fine, and it doesn't make you a liberal, and I don't think anybody on here is gonna think less of you for it.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

I'm gonna keep in mind what you and others have said that this is nothing new and I don't have to panic. At least I know this wave will pass like every other.

It sucks though. I feel unironically red-pilled. Just a different perspective on things and it's weird.

I used to have such strong positive feelings for Democrats and such strong negative feelings for Republicans and I remember literally feeling back in the day that I could not imagine feeling any differently. Now I hate them both (for sifferent reasons) and that's just a weird feeling.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Jesus Christ.

Queue the parenting quote.

If China was doing this the west would call it genocide.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Oh boy, yeah, I was in high school around that time. Not super conscious about things, but man, I can imagine that the internet of the day was certainly on fire.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Yeah, the long story short about that is I have made some strides and joined FRSO and have talked to some people, and even was organizing until life caught up recently (medical, work). The group is very small, very limited where I am and I'm outside the city nowadays, so it's a lot harder for me to do in-person events.

Im planning getting re-involved, but that's gonna take awhile unfortunately.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)
[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sad, but at least I see it now :/


I ain't young, but this is my first election where I am a real lefty, and... Has it always been this bad?

The liberal seething is just disgusting right now. You can't be on any place of the internet that has any discussion about politics whatsoever.

If you suggest that the Democrats should be better, then you get called out for trying to make Trump president

If you respond that now is the time to actually put pressure on candidates because they're running for office and in any fucking reasonable place, this is where they would make campaign promises and you can demand stuff out of them, then they say that you're being a fascist.

The liberal propaganda is just mind numbing.

Even the traditionally leftist places on Reddit (a place I visit very infrequently, so small changes add up over time when I visit and see the crazies have come out of the woodworks) are getting inundated with a bunch of "but the GOP is worse", and "we have to compromise" and blah blah blah. Even in some commie spaces.

Like I understand not being a doomer, and trying to actually make things better in the meantime while we build forces for the revolution, but holy shit, it's like Anyone to the right of Marxist Leninists have immediately caved to pressure.

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago

He was hiding in a bush presumably waiting for him to come by or something and Secret Service saw his gun pointing out of the bush and shot at him.

Pretty pathetic in my opinion.

They even admitted that there's a lot of dense cover around and he'd basically be invisible if he didn't stick his gun out.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

I fell for it. But OMG that was hilarious.


Apparently, he didn't get that close before he was caught in the bushes at Trump's Mar-a-Lago golf course. Shots were fired, but it might have just been shots between Secret Service and him. The shooter was caught after a camera picked up his license plate after somebody took a picture of his car as he was fleeing.

[–] 34 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Jesus, if she said something like remotely pro-communist, then at least that would make sense to a propagandized population.. Literally, all she said was, I'm here... And picture of her having fun.

Americans are becoming so brainbroken that literally just mentioning China without automatically talking about how terrible and horrible and evil it is makes you a CCP shill.

On the other hand, it's getting easier and easier to prove to people how fucking stupid Usonians are. Instead of digging up some crazy mask-off quote by some nut job in Congress ( But I repeat myself...), you can basically just gesture broadly to Twitter... Err.. X.


Article title: Ex-Google CEO says successful AI startups can steal IP and hire lawyers to ‘clean up the mess’

Okay, I editorialized the title a bit. Basically, Eric Schmidt said that if you were to build a competitor to TikTok after it gets banned using AI, then you could just steal all of the IP, and if your company was not successful, then nobody really cares. But if your company was successful, then you would have the money to pay off the lawyers to get you out of a jam.

It is a rather obvious acknowledgment that money and success tend to generate more money and success. One can engage in dishonest acts, cheating, stealing IP, etc. as long as they possess the money to hire lawyers to get themselves out of the situation.

They even took down the talk from YouTube because of how bad it looked.

And I thought Musk and Trump were the only one stupid enough to admit the obviously evil shit.


Just heard about this organization called Operation Olive Branch. They claim they are:

Grassroots movement to support & amplify aid requests of Palestinian families.

Since I know a lot of organizations like this can be fishy, and/or outright scams, so I'm wondering if people have experience with, them or have any reason not to trust them.

Thanks all.


A cybersecurity company started by 4 Israeli military officials is going to be potentially acquired by Google for $23 billion.

Anyone that tells you that Israel and America don't collude is either bullshitting you, or incredibly uninformed.

America keeps Israel going, without the USA it would fall instantly due too it's apartheid. Their genocidal military sets them up to be capitalist billionaires.

Remember kids, they don't fight fair. You don't have too either.


It's a personal story and he goes through a bit slow but he does get to the point. Basically capitalism has ruined medicine and the actual ways to solve most medical issues cannot be recommended because they don't make a lot of money.


Obvious bullshit is obvious, but i don't have time to track down the source of this. They say every conspiracy theory starts with a grain of truth, but of course it doesn't have too!

Anyone know what three libs are talking about here? A misunderstanding or just a lie?


Hey all, if there is a better place to put this, please let me know.

jewish community foundation of los angeles

Does anyone have any knowledge about the donors or donor history from this group? Looks like they are very tight lipped about who donates to them, though it appears to be over a thousand sources and millions of dollars. Helping out a friend look into some background information.


(Reposted since this is a better community for this)

Even the liberals are starting to catch on that China is outpacing the United States in terms of EV production and quality. This is a shot from one liberal to another that they are failing to meet the market demands, and China is doing much better than us.

This person actually calls out the USA’s protectionist policies and claims that they aren’t here to protect users, but to prevent their car companies from being completely out-competed by China.


It's time to put my money where my mouth is and buy some flags.

I don't want to have to support Amazon if i don't have too. But if thats the best way, so be it, recommendations on high quality flags from amywhere welcome.

I was going to search history, but im mobile atm and I can't find search for posts.

Also looking for who I can donate to that will actually get supplies on the ground. I knew of one but cannot for the life of me remember the name. Life has pulled me away from politics for awhile, trying to get involved again.

Thanks for resources comrades.


But when someone finally does, they think they've gone crazy for not agreeing with their politics.

TLDR less than a year ago I decided to get real serious about researching what communism actually is. Now that I'm a communist (Because doing the real research opened my eyes to a better system than capitalism, and ML seemed to be the best way to go about that), my family is questioning whether I'm like, in a cult or not? I dunno, they aren't saying anything specific, just pushing back hard any time I prove their liberal media bubble lies to them.

I've opened up a politics channel on our family chat, and every time I post something about media bias, anything questioning the status quo about China, Cuba, or North Korea, it get's scrutinized to the level of a pseudo-journalist combing every "media bias" website looking for any reason whatsoever to prove that my source is wrong (Besides, you know, just actually finding the evidence or anything). Last week a family member shared the NK story about censoring jeans... I did push back, and immediately they caved about the story and pivoted to moving the goal posts with "Well North Korea is just a dictatorship so whatever they say can't be trusted", then when I asked if they knew anything about NK they said "How can we? It's so suppressive they won't tell us anything", which there are resources out there, they are genuinely hard to find, but I ended with "Welp they are opening up soon so you can see for yourself". Not a single one of them knows what a politburo or peoples congress is... I have told them too, they seem to have selective memory sometimes.

If anyone posts anything from the BBC, CNN, the guardian, whatever, they give a nod and a "true true". But second thought? Nah, that's tankie bullshit, he's biased, can't be trusted... Like guys, WE'VE TALKED ABOUT MEDIA BUBBLES, YOU ARE IN ONE RIGHT NOW, I'M SHOWING YOU, I WAS WITH YOU A YEAR AGO, I GOT OUT, YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME.

It's as if "media bubble" to them meant Fox news, or ONLY conservative news. But they watch the "real news" like NPR, CNN, MSNBC, BBC. So they are fine, it's not their media bubble that was the problem. One of them admits they ONLY READ HEADLINES (Well, 95% headlines anyway), and claim that "reading news is their hobby". Like... dude, you don't read the news, you said it yourself, YOU READ HEADLINES. I sent them Second thoughts video about biased headlines and they're like "But all sources do that". And I'm like "YES THEY DO, PLEASE BE CONSCIOUS OF THIS FACT AS YOU ONLY READ HEADLINES THEN CLAIM YOU KNOW THE STORY FROM IT. AHHHHHHHH I feel like I'm going crazy :( I even tried offering my ground news subscription. I know it's baby steps but I figured they would be interested, no bites yet.

I can't push too hard or I just won't ever see them again, but at this point, is it worth it? I'm nearing 40 btw, not young. We are all grown adults. I spent so long going through this transition of learning/growing, so I know it's not fast. The older you are, the harder it is to change, especially your biases. But still, I did it, I hoped they would too. Right now they are truly practicing the backlash effect.

Thanks for listening to my rant comrades. May your propaganda efforts not be in vein!


So I was just doing a bit of research about some science advancements in graphene processors, as I heard about it in a segment about China's recent research breakthroughs. I did some googling and found... let's say a slightly biased perspective (Just kidding, it's straight up propaganda)

So this is the research paper:

Notice how there are 12 researchers from Tianjin University in China, also notice how there are 3 researchers from Georgia Tech, this includes one american author who co-founded this research center with person in china. So this is a joint effort. He's actually listed as also being a part of Tianjin University, so I guess 13 to 3 people in each respective university (one person double counted).

If you google for "graphene seg semiconductors" you get:

  • Georgia techs website first, okay.
  • A couple links to the article on arxiv and nature, cool,

And then, a bunch of news articles:

Well damn, with 13 out of the 15 researchers having affiliation with the lab in China, you would think that someone would emphasize that this research was done... In China? Not just "helped" by China, not just "assisted by", but like, most of the research was done there. On paper this was a partnership, but most sites won't even go that far. Georgia Tech did this/that/was awesome/yay america, oh and some place in China was involved too, only sometimes mentioned.

My god, it's as if Usonians just can't swallow the fact that China has scientists... and researchers... and like, smart people. As a Usonian who is breaking out of my media bubble, it's crazy to me to see how fucking biased our "neutral" sources of information are. Wikipedia hasn't been updated with this info yet, but I bet it will mark down all the awesome work Georgia tech did while only mentioning in passing that some place in China was also involved.

I'm not even gonna bother posting this to a lib space like reddit. The copium would be too much for me to handle. The only thing I can think about is if the tables were turned, no lib would have a problem calling out "CCP propaganda" after the first sentence of the article claimed "Tianjin University in China does breakthrough research on graphene processors!"

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