[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 18 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

That device costs thousands of dollars. The os license fee is around 35-50. It barely even registers in the grand total. Add to that the well known MS management and reporting tools and everybody choses the MS variant. They know it, they can use it and the store staff can even do first line support themselves lowering the tco even more.

That's it.


[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 48 points 2 weeks ago


Nazism isn't the same as fascism. Nazism does care about your ethnicity. Fascism does not.

But whatever.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 73 points 2 weeks ago

Im just a tad disappointed that according to this graphic fascism (which isnt exactly the same as nazism but whatever) is strictly a white issue.

Which, if you look at the world, clearly isn't the case. Fascism is everywhere.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 37 points 5 months ago

In other news, water is wet. I only see FUD here.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 41 points 6 months ago

It's not an rpg and it's not set in space! It's a porn flic about rimming in the sky.

Really gross.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 66 points 7 months ago

Shut up. You're paying for a service and still get almost 50% ads?

Why? How? Which? And do we in the EU also have this awaiting in our future?

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 64 points 7 months ago

Yeah, no.

The hunt is only fun if you've got time to spare.

Throw in a spouse, kids, good but demanding job, a place to live, social obligations, detoriating (geriatric) parents, and you're so happy you can just mash one single button and your favourite track, game or series starts to play.

That's the reason why people stop pirating. Time.

When time is not (yet) your most precious resource you can see the fun in anything. Even virus scanning.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 45 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

No. There are already plenty examples of this. Thinking this will happen in the near future (100 years) is a fairytale.

As long as you don't have vocal cords capable of creating effective speech and you don't have appendages with which is possible to create and use tools you're fucked.

Examples? Plenty, let's go:

Pig: As intelligent as a 6 year old. What we do to them makes Auswitz looks like summer camp.

Dolphins: pushed into a bay and murdered by the hundreds. Thousands (millions?) die each year in the nets of our floating fishing factories. Their intellect is at least that of a 6 year old and most probably way more.

Whales: hunted to virtual extinction. Way more intelligent then a 6 year old.

Elephants: show clear sociological traits. Remembers stuff over a long time. Grieve over death. Hunted for their big ass teeth.

Apes: our close relatives. Hunted for meat. Most species of them easily operate at 10-12 year old level. Can use tools but can not create them. At the current path they're on in the wild (extinction). They will never reach the stone age.

We rule. Harshly.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 52 points 10 months ago

In your car, your TV, your network, your dns.....


[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 136 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)


I too am a reddit refugee. I like what you've done with this place.


But we have to talk about pricing and privacy.

Pricing: tbh I see not much wrong with the 20 bucks. But I do think that you should take 2 bucks from that and donate one to the lemmy org (this is not reddit, nobody is getting paid, the lemmy devs also need an incentive) and the other one to lemmy.world because that's the instance you're dumping us all on. Hosting is not free, lemmy.world costs money and probably a lot of time to run. Being a reddit admin is a payed job, being Ruud at lemmy.world most certainly is not.

In this way "we" are giving back to the Foss community and it should silence a lot of critics. In that way you don't look like the evil capitalist earning a quick buck over the back of free labour of the foss community. I think that's 2 bucks well spent.

Edit: same goes for ultra subscriptions of course, a similar percentage should be fed back to the lemmy org and lemmy.world.

Privacy: since you're using admob and I forgot the other one, privacy is out the window. That's a big issue for the Foss community we're all relying on. Maybe it's wise to point out that once you pay for sync all that tracking that admob and the other one (not you I hope) does is out the window.

Edit edit: maybe you could also add a yearly reminder to donate to the users favourite lemmy instance.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 190 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I just leave you with my favorite quote of Ljdawson, made during the reddit api war:

"I don't know. I don't track shit."

He has crashlytics. That's about it.

Tbh, I don't care for open or closed source, I don't even care for free or payed. (19 bucks per year.. That's like what, a coffee and a donut at a Starbuck?)

Stuff must just work and to be honest... All available clients all work sort of.

This one does this good but sucks at multi instances. That one screws up gifs from that and this site. Made an error typing your user name!/password during setup? Tough shit. You can't edit it so redo from start, remove it and type well this time.

Sync just seems to work.

That's not to shit on anyone hard work: I can't do it, I can't make them, I'm glad these clients exist. I don't expect free tools to be perfect.

But I'm also superglad Sync for lemmy is a thing. And I will pay for it when it's out of beta.

[-] Redredme@lemmy.world 39 points 11 months ago

Actually, if you would go and watch the barbie movie instead of bitching about it you would find a very good Oscar worthy movie which humorously points out several flaws in our current society hiding in plain sight.

And truly, what or who is bigger then oppenheimer in modern history? The man literally changed the world and is more or less the reason behind the longest period of peace in the west and beyond. It turned out that fear, deterrence, is the only thing that keeps war away.

They got that message loud and clear in Iran and Northern Korea. Especially after what happened in Libya and Syria.

Anyway, politic bullshit aside so far 2023 is, I think, a very good year for cinema.

Next to that I've seen this meme repeat itself yearly over the last five years. It's getting tiresome. It's time to think up a new one.

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