[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 82 points 2 months ago

Is there a charge for "attempted negligent homicide" or something? You did something so catastrophically stupid that was all but guaranteed to kill someone except you got lucky, but you still should end up getting censured so you don't roll the dice on someone's life again

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 78 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Nah, Mar-a-lago first

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 85 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)


The thing about shipping internationally is that you generally need a logistics partner to actually physically move the packages for you, and they also have a legal responsibility to ensure that what they are carrying is legal. I don't know what number of packages you need to have seized by customs before they stop doing business with you, but I'd doubt it's much more than 1.

As a bonus, there are only a handful of logistics companies in NZ that do international outbound, and they are the major domestic delivery companies as well, so if you fuck around enough you could end up finding out that no one will deliver your packages locally either

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 69 points 3 months ago

I don't care who stars in it, unless they can get daft punk back together to do the score I give zero fucks

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 80 points 4 months ago

I wonder if this will turn into a new attack vector against companies; talk their LLM chat bots into promising a big discount, take the company to a small claims court to cash out

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 82 points 4 months ago

locked out of that feature

Oh I've met this person. "Can't find the button" = "locked out", "button moved 3mm to the left" = locked out", "I forgot my password " = "locked out", "computer isn't turned on" = "locked out", "I have no internet access because I'm paranoid about 'radiation' and constantly turn my laptop's wifi off" = "locked out"

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 76 points 4 months ago

He has been told since birth that God appointed him and his family to be the heads of state of the country and to rule over millions of people; is it any surprise that it's easy to believe nonsense?

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 78 points 5 months ago

Look, it's all about authorial intent - if the author had wanted their book to be easy to reference or accessible to people who use screen readers, they would have published a DRM free PDF in the first place. Gotta respect the artist's vision.

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 69 points 6 months ago

Like you are starting a lawnmower

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 69 points 7 months ago

sigh, people suck.

This is actually something that bugs me about GitHub - I'm a Professional Software Developer, and we use GitHub enterprise internally at work (don't @ me, we don't have the budget to run our own infrastructure, BitBucket is crap and the sales person at GitLab ghosted me on 3 consecutive calls that we set up to discuss our needs). I'm also in charge of a team, and actively encourage the team to contribute to open source - find a bug? Draw up reproduction steps, report it upstream, and Fridays after lunch are dedicated to getting those bugs fixed. One of these days one of my team is going to run across one of these assholes, and I'm going to have a proper HR incident on my hands because that is a hostile work environment. Doesn't matter that it is a member of the public being a dick, I've got an obligation to ensure that my staff have a workplace free of harassment, and I've got absolutely no recourse against this other than to say "cool, we don't contribute to this repo anymore".

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 82 points 8 months ago

Good that you've put the work in to compile your list, but for anyone new; this is a list of C-tier hosts, and seems to have a pretty strong focus on "privacy" hosts - some of the privacy features can be nice, but it can be a double edged sword. By using a privacy focussed host, you end up co-habitating with other privacy focussed users, which tends to have a higher-than-average concentration of sketchy or outright criminal users. This can have an impact on IP reputation and other operational issues, even if you aren't doing anything sketchy yourself

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 81 points 8 months ago

What do you think public domain means? Cos I don't think it means what you think it means

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