Before YouTube and social media, and for quite a few years after their advent, theater trailers were THE way to get a glimpse at an upcoming movie, and usually the ONLY way.

[-] -2 points 1 day ago

Is Putin trying to mind meld with that person? Is that an ability of his species?

[-] 13 points 1 day ago

Have you met people?

Plastic and PFAS

And I did nothing, because fuck those fucknozzles in the ass with broken glass

[-] 38 points 1 day ago

Oh no not the dealerships 😐

[-] 23 points 3 days ago

There is Zelle, which is instant bank to bank. It's fairly widely available from one's financial institution, and it doesn't cost anything, but it's not terribly well known yet for some reason

[-] 37 points 3 days ago

Origin and evolution of the pejorative slang

In the mid-17th century, dick became slang for a man as a sexual partner.[5] For example, in the 1665 satireThe English Rogue by Richard Head, a "dick" procured to impregnate a character that is having difficulty conceiving:

The next Dick I pickt up for her was a man of a colour as contrary to the former, as light is to darkness, being swarthy; whose hair was as black as a sloe; middle statur'd, well set, both strong and active, a man so universally tryed, and so fruitfully successful, that there was hardly any female within ten miles gotten with child in hugger-mugger, but he was more than suspected to be Father of all the legitimate. Yet this too, proved an ineffectual Operator.[6]

An 1869 slang dictionary offered definitions of dickincluding "a riding whip" and an abbreviation of dictionary, also noting that in the North Country, it was used as a verb to indicate that a policeman was eyeing the subject.[7] The term came to be associated with the penis through usage by men in the military around the 1880s.[1]

[-] 47 points 3 days ago

I would rather see them live, and suffer the constant knowledge that they can do nothing without the help of their immigrant caregivers; who I hope are LGBTQ as well.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/
Frack you, Walmart (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

What are your experiences, and what do you prefer?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/
Ruthless (2023) (

A high school coach, whose teenage daughter was murdered, takes matters into his own hands by going after the men who kidnapped his student for their human trafficking operation.

A 'late night' Hulu offering that caught my eye. With the usual 27 different production companies, I was far from optimistic. And yet, what a pleasant surprise! This is a gritty, delightful (though dark) revenge flick, complete with a really weird looking police detective (who winds up killing it!), AND a couple decent plot twists! (I checked the rules and nothing said recent movies are not allowed, and I strongly consider this one to be a B-Movie!)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I need a good thock.


I ask because not all emails will live update, they basically get imported and then that's it. What do you use, and why?

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