I'm not a fan of Intel, but I'd definitely consider their cards if they were more powerful, because their A770 seems relatively okay-priced. Sadly, that card is not the performance jump I need from my old RX Vega 56.
Adapt, improvise, overcome, colonize.
And the 58€ ticket is valid nationwide. In theory, you could cover distances of 1000 km with it from North to South. It's still a pretty good deal, but if people only use it occasionally and own a car anyway, the math is probably not in favour of it.
Not great, but it was bound to happen and I can afford it. I hope that those in need can still get it cheaper without a price hike.
Und "dass" bittesehr.
Und wehe du sagst "Roggenbrötchen" anstelle des offiziellen "Vollkorn-Knubbelbubbelino".
They drastically reduced their PR budget in the 90's and 00's and it shows.
Mir gefällt dein Kommentar nicht. Ich kann es gerade nicht besser in Worte fassen.
Meanwhile, Polish politicians will demand WW2 reparations from Germany every time an election's coming up.
Why didn't you call me to fill one seat?
Obviously a selfie stick that you attach to your chest.
Don't burst our bubble, pal.