[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 3 points 1 day ago

You do need a registration key, but now it's tied to the hardware so it activates as soon as you connect to the network, no need to actually type the registration key.

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 2 points 1 day ago

I agree, I use Linux. But "normal people" aren't able to install an operating system, and they can't easily go to the shop and buy a Linux computer. They can buy a mac though. Still better than nothing.

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 10 points 1 day ago

Italy is not completely correct. The orange area uses the drawing of a club (as in a thick wodden stick), they're called "bastoni" ("sticks").

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I mean, up until the '50s they didn't even speak the same language... every region had their own language (Italians call them "dialect", but they're in fact different langauges). Then television came and unified the language (standard Italian is just the dialect of Tuscany).

Italy is a very young country. Sure, the Ancient Romans unified the whole Europe, but Italy has only became a nation in 1861. Pretty young country if you ask me.

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 3 points 2 days ago

It's time to ditch Windows and all move to macOS or (even better) Linux

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 4 points 2 days ago

To be honest, OBS is way more advanced than a screen recording tool. It's basically a live program director

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 11 points 2 days ago

Yes, but... it's like comparing people that go to the cinema and people who watch reels on Instagram.

Okay, both things involve watching a video, but they are two very different experiences.

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 11 points 3 days ago

I laughed but now that I know it I'm going to change the udev rules back to eth0.

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 6 points 6 days ago

The worst thing of Copenhagen is that you can see Sweden from there

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 7 points 6 days ago

That's the same in San Marino. It's nice but come on, it's full of duty free shops and shops that sell arms that are illegal in Italy

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 9 points 6 days ago

thinks deleting installers will delete the installed program

Now I get why Windows XP had an alert that said you weren't going to uninstall the program when you tried deleting a link to a program

[-] Scrollone@feddit.it 8 points 6 days ago

Good luck finding Netflix for $2

submitted 6 months ago by Scrollone@feddit.it to c/android@lemmy.world

We've created an updated version of Beeper Mini that fixes an issue that caused messages not to be sent or received. We even added in a few new feature improvements: chats now open at the last unread message, and we polished the video player a bit!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Scrollone@feddit.it to c/android@lemmy.world

We all saw in the news that Simple Mobile Tools got acquired by ZipoApps and they started filling up the free apps with ads.

Luckily, being those apps open source, a new fork has been created.

It's called Fossify. They forked all the apps on GitHub and they have a new maintainer.

Now we just need to wait for their first official release and then... we need to spread the word and make people switch from the old SMT apps to Fossify!

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