[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

‘Gigantic welfare system’? What alternate-universe US are you living in? Our welfare system is shit. We don’t even have universal healthcare!

Welfare should be to help support struggling people. Helping those who are struggling improves not only their lives, but all of society as well. This has been proven over and over again—just look at UBI programs. We should be offering more support, not less.

These people pay taxes same as legal Americans, through their employer. They should therefore get access to every American system except voting.

Edit: relevant post lol

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 14 points 5 days ago

It isn’t just that. Any job seen as a ‘woman’s job’ is going to pay less. And it isn’t just for the ‘traditional’ women’s jobs, like grade school teacher or secretary. If women enter a field in significant numbers, then wages overall will fall. See veterinary work for one example.

Pisses me the fuck off.

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 29 points 6 days ago

Men who are inferior to their fellow men, are always most anxious to establish their superiority over women. -Mary Wollstonecraft

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Many billionaires are not only morons, they’re racist morons. They also love the trappings of fascism—as long as they get to be the ones on top.

Have you seen that article about that one techbro rich boy and how he wants to structure San Francisco? How the techbros would wear grey shirts, and their Republican friends would red shirts, and everyone else would be forced to wear blue shirts, and those with grey and red shirts would get preferential treatment, because they would buy out the cops?

It’s a chilling article; I recommend reading it.

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 56 points 1 month ago

Boy, rules for thee but not for me. The wife can’t kill a woman she finds sleeping with her husband?

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 54 points 1 month ago

These twats believe a name in ALL CAPS is a ‘fictional shell corporation’ and a name in Regular Capitalized Lowercase is a ‘real person’. (They prove this by saying your name is written in all caps on your birth certificate because that’s when the government creates the shell corporation of you that they trade securities against.)

So this person is upset that the government is trying to trick them by having an envelope looking like it’s addressed to the real person, but inside the letter is for the shell corporation.

They don’t want to be conflated with their shell corporation in any way, because that’s the entity that’s responsible for taxes and following laws and paying back debts, stuff like that. SovCits want to live in and take advantage of society’s benefits, but they don’t want to actually contribute to it. Especially if it involves childcare.

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 87 points 3 months ago

Be careful you don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

Also fascinating that you seem to think the only people who can be sad about the death of one of the most influential mangaka are those who posted about him constantly. I’m curious; how often does one need to post about him? Daily? Weekly? Or is just one post a month sufficient?

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 71 points 4 months ago

Historically speaking, the only way they would consider gun control is if we handed minorities guns.

The last time serious gun control was passed was when the Black Panthers armed themselves.

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 51 points 5 months ago

You know, if libertarians could comprehend what they read and think logically about things, they’d be very upset.

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 48 points 5 months ago

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. ― Susan B. Anthony

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 117 points 6 months ago

You’ve never gone to the cops with a problem before, have you?

[-] Seleni@lemmy.world 47 points 7 months ago

Hard disagree. It would be one thing if he was just off in his corner by himself being a terrible person, but he’s very much always in the limelight and has a whole cult of personality worshipping the ground he walks on. We need articles like this as a counter to all the ass-kissing going on.

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