[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 24 points 7 months ago

This is what I don't get. AMD has driver issues on windows because of a combination of their own incompetence and windows updates doing stupid windows things - people squarely lay the the blame on AMD. NVIDIA releases bad closed source drivers causing issues on linux - somehow the fault of linux and the open source communities.

These people should be hounding NVIDIA to fix their issues instead crying to DE developers to fix issues caused by NVIDIA.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/eternityapp@lemdro.id

It seems that codeberg is temporarily not accepting new accounts. So how should bugs be reported¿? Is it fine we post here with details about the bugs¿? @bazsalanszky@lemmy.toldi.eu

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/eternityapp@lemdro.id

So I am finding out that certain children comments are not shown at all so we have no idea that the original parent comment even had children comments associated with them. Is this something I did by messing with the settings or is this a bug¿?

Video showing the bug/issue : Bug/issue

Post in question

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/linux@lemmy.ml

When using software and the codecs from the packman repo, what are the best practices associated with the updating and maintaince of these packages and the system in general. Do I have to wait for sometime before updating using dup or can I use the packman modules of mesa with updated versions of the mesa modules provided officially¿? Are their dependcy issues for software sourced from packman.


How do you mention our tag someone in lemmy¿? Asking for a way that is common all apps and web-ui

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 17 points 9 months ago

Well the app is one of the best lemmy apps, perfectly usable for every day use. Maybe certain quality of life impoving features can be added but they are not a requirement and since it is a open source project, hopefully some users who know programming can contribute these features to voyager. Thank you for this great app

submitted 9 months ago by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

I have currently selected no languages in my lemmy account. Does that mean I will shown content of all languages or will it automatically default to some language and only show me that¿?

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 21 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Maybe use that information to try and influence the public in the same way that cambridge analytica did for the 2016 elections.

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 46 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This is not a big issue. In the installer or first time boot welcome pop up, just add a page where some popular apps are shown and can be selected to be downloaded and installed.

Also what the fuck does the author mean when he says ubuntu is special¿? It is not that different from other distros and the ways that it is different does not make it better

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 18 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This is an issue/bug with steam trying to open with the dGPU. In the steam.desktop file, change the PrefersDedicatedGPU (might not be exactly worded like this) parameter from true to false. Though after using this, you might have to use the DRI_PRIME=1 with your games to make them use the dGPU

Edit : credit for this goes to a kind gentleman who helped with the issue 2 months ago when the new steam UI dropped.

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 13 points 10 months ago

Lemmy does not have push notification support. To enable notifications, 3rd party apps will have to make API calls to the lemmy API at regular intervals which would be costly for

  1. Lemmy as the api traffic would increase massively.
  2. For your phone battery as sync would keep running in the background and keep sending API queries
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

I had this bug recently on beta 40 where I would reply to a comment on a post and my comment would show up. Then if I refreshed the post to load in new comments, my reply would be collapsed and clicking on it would lead to a 'no comments added' message. The comment would still be visible in the profile section and from other lemmy apps.

Edit : some photos as proof/example

Edit : This is not only an issue for my comments only, it is also issue for comments from other people aswell. Usually it seems to be an issue associated with the last comment of a thread where the these comments are collapsed in sync and when I expand them, no comments are added. But these actually exist and can be seen from other apps(voyager in my case). Oddly this does not happen for every comment thread but it happens with enough comments that it is noticable. I have not been able dig up any other commonilities between the disappearring comments other than the fact they appear at the end of comment chains/threads.

Device information

Sync version: v23.08.31-14:10    
Sync flavor: googlePlay    

View type: Slides    

Device: hanoip    
Model: motorola moto g(60)    
Android: 12
[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 110 points 10 months ago

I am not sure when the narrative around nuclear power became nuclear energy vs renewables when it should be nuclear and renewables vs fossil fuels.

We need both nuclear and renewable energy where we try to use and develop renewables as much as possible while using nuclear energy to plug the gaps in the renewable energy supply

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 38 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I think a lot of people are not getting it. AI/LLMs can train on whatever they want but when then these LLMs are used for commercial reasons to make money, an argument can be made that the copyrighted material has been used in a money making endeavour. Similar to how using copyrighted clips in a monetized video can make you get a strike against your channel but if the video is not monetized, the chances of YouTube taking action against you is lower.

Edit - If this was an open source model available for use by the general public at no cost, I would be far less bothered by claims of copyright infringement by the model

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 26 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The guy who started this whole thing by asking lemmy.world admins to defederate with lemmy.dbzer0.com is a lemm.ee account and he has asked lemm.ee to take similar action

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 16 points 11 months ago

My logic is that people that buy skins and play games with such micro transactions must not be bothered by the actions of reddit and hence few of them would have migrated to lemmy

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 33 points 11 months ago

Yeah I don't think people who spend money on skins in games are people who use lemmy and hence by extension sync for lemmy

[-] Sentau@lemmy.one 10 points 11 months ago

Well it is cheap for people living in developed countries but in developing countries where the exchange rate vs the dollar is high and the average income is lower, the cost of the subscription is substantial. Yes we should support the developer but unfortunately this subscription model is unfeasible for some people.

submitted 11 months ago by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

So recently I have been facing this issue that several posts show a higher number of comments than the actual number of comments that i can see. For example in the photo, the number of comments is shown as 14 but the post only shows me 5 comments. Is this some sort of federation issue or is this a bug¿?

submitted 11 months ago by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/meta@lemmy.one

Is there a list of instances that Lemmy.one has defederated with or have not federated with at all? I ask because recently, I see many posts with more comments than actually shown when the post is opened

submitted 11 months ago by Sentau@lemmy.one to c/pop_os@lemmy.world

I am curious if the fact that a lot people use pop os on hardware other than system76 hardware is detrimental or helpful towards the development of the OS and the workload of the devs. Like if the number of users of pop os on different hardware configs increases, is that helpful for the devs considering that it may increase the number of bugs and hence result in an increase in worload

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