[-] Servais@dormi.zone 3 points 2 hours ago

Feel free to join !esp@lemm.ee for a Spanish speaking community!

[-] Servais@dormi.zone 5 points 3 hours ago

Found this website that should answer your question: https://www.wopc.co.uk/explore/suits

submitted 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) by Servais@dormi.zone to c/yurop@lemm.ee
[-] Servais@dormi.zone 4 points 11 hours ago

Thank you for sharing!

submitted 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by Servais@dormi.zone to c/yurop@lemm.ee
[-] Servais@dormi.zone 5 points 16 hours ago
[-] Servais@dormi.zone 3 points 1 day ago

Pretty good, nothing too special, thanks for asking!

[-] Servais@dormi.zone 12 points 1 day ago

Honestly, it's not mine, I found somewhere else, but it seems to be a regular occurrence from what I've seen

[-] Servais@dormi.zone 5 points 1 day ago

Sorry to hear...

[-] Servais@dormi.zone 27 points 1 day ago

Main dish is probably a gyros

submitted 1 day ago by Servais@dormi.zone to c/yurop@lemm.ee
submitted 1 day ago by Servais@dormi.zone to c/yurop@lemm.ee
[-] Servais@dormi.zone 6 points 1 day ago

It's okay, I guess this can act as a reminder for other people too 😄

[-] Servais@dormi.zone 6 points 2 days ago

Thank you for sharing, but this might be a bit too serious for this community

submitted 2 days ago by Servais@dormi.zone to c/europe@feddit.org

Hello everyone,

This community is only a few hours old, and already there is a meta post ha ha.

I was just thinking that the EU flag doesn't include non-EU countries such as Switzerland, the UK, Norway, Ukraine, Iceland, Albania, Georgia, etc.

Maybe a more "map-based" logo like this one could be considered too?

[-] Servais@dormi.zone 13 points 2 days ago
submitted 2 days ago by Servais@dormi.zone to c/yurop@lemm.ee
submitted 2 days ago by Servais@dormi.zone to c/europe@feddit.org
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Servais@dormi.zone to c/europe@feddit.de

Following up on this comment from the current mod, @poVoq@slrpnk.net https://slrpnk.net/comment/9445371

I would much rather someone else takes over moderation, yes. Both because of various federated moderation bugs in Lemmy making it hard to moderate a community that isn’t on your home instance and because I have way to many communities that I moderate already.

If needed, I would be willing to help with moderation, but not be the main moderator of such a new community.

So that means that ideally we should get new moderators for this community, who should then decide among the different options stated in the other [Meta] thread: https://slrpnk.net/post/10808865

Any volunteers?


Randomly stumbled upon this, thought it might interest some people here

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joined 3 months ago