
joined 4 years ago

It’s not feature length, but 12 Monkeys is based on a short film by Chris Marker called Le Jetée which I highly recommend, along with all of Marker’s work, really. Marker deals a lot in documentary with a surrealist touch, and thoughtful narration. He’s a good old leftist too.

All the movies you mentioned are not just psychological, but are messed up temporally, so you might appreciate a newer movie called Time Addicts. Watched a bit of it and it was funny, dark, and wild, as a time traveling movie about meth should be.

The Manchurian Candidate is great (both versions are really, though I prefer the one from ‘62) as it deals with a character piecing together an experimentation plot involving hypnotism and proto mk ultra mind control. If I think of more when I’m rested i’ll jump back and comment again.

It's not even radical, but there should not be any vehicles allowed near schools, particularly elementary schools, without special permission based on need. It should be a safe area for people to walk and play. I can't tell you how many people barrel through the parking lot of my kid's elementary school just to avoid being tardy (another concept which should be reformulated). I work at a university, and a 19 yo with a 2 ton truck struck a pedeststrian yesterday afternoon, sending them on an airlift to a not close by hospital.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago (3 children)

The extended substance to Descartes is broadly the material, whereas the thinking or res cogitans is the thinking substance. How to bridge the immaterial mentality of thinking as a causal force in the material presented a problem for him and was difficult to bridge in this conceptualization of the full human: the mind body problem. The split subject in Lacanian psychoanalysis refers to in part the "mirror stage" of psychological development, where the undeveloped infant first sees it's own image in a mirror and begins to recognize it's own incomplete self image (only seeing of itself without the mirror its legs, arms, perceiving its clumsy motor skills, etc) compared to the ideal subject reflected in the perceived-to-be complete "other" in the mirror, which is not first recognized as itself but an ideal form which seems to be superior and complete in comparison. This is furthered by the imposition of language or in Lacanian terms "castration" which is essentially the imposition of a defining, limiting, prohibitive symbolic structure by way of language which creates a separating or splitting of the self independent of the flesh and blood, now extant in the symbolic and signified sense. There can be no unification of the split self, which is the underlying source of the neurotic or psychotic, with the former responding to castration with repression and the latter responding with a complete rejection of the prohibitions circumscribed therein. This is a vulgar understanding but how I interpret it.

I have experimented with sugar, cream (dairy, soy, almond, coconut, oatmilk), and both combined, but I return to black and have stayed this way for years now. Sugar hurts my teeth, and I am not realy interested in adding calorie dense stuff to my happy juice. And I love the taste of black coffee. It can be shit sometimes, but at it's best it surpasses anything sweeteners or cream can add.

I will read this article as soon as I get a chance, but as with all of these intelligence operations, it can take to the form of a motley crue of fascists coming from different places and with different priorities and collapsing certain ambitions together for mutual aim, in this case, the killing of Palme. Stig Larsson, the novelist, was in a unique position in his job at a Stockholm newspaper at the time, to track leads and try an assemble a cohesive story in the aftermath of the assassination. He became obsessed, and continued personal research on the subject up to his own death. He amassed a personal archive of information on the case, uncovering new evidence, following leads that the media and police failed to take interest in. After his death, the person who acquired his personal storage unit acquired this archive, and set to the task of trying to make sense of the work, and follow up on the leads where they had been left off. The BBC made a documentary about this investigator and his conclusions after years of pouring over the documents and furthering the investigation, and he is pretty convinced it was elements of apartheid South Africa that oversaw the ground operation, of course in consort with the CIA and other actors within Sweden with connections to police, militias, and intelligence. So calling the US nazis for what they did in Vietnam and calling out the racist apartheid project for what it is, even as a moderate social democrat, is enough to get you offed if you do it in earnest on the world stage.

As much as I love Ghost Stories for the End of the World, I felt there was not sufficient exploration of this well-documented line of inquiry, and barely a passing mention of Stig's work on the matter. After listening to that, I was left with the impression that the Stig Engstrom (lotta stigs) lone gunman theory was seemingly as alluring or viable an explanation as anything else. Even if this is not the case that others were left with this impression, I was a little confused as to why such a (typically) rigorously researched show failed to explore this further. I suspect that Matt, the host, was taking a little of a well-earned break after doing the Octopus series, and handing over the reigns of research to others, taking more the role of interviewer for this series. Anyhow, thank you for linking the article.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Fuck em. Don't do them any favors, and let them entertain us. I hope we absorb a ton of their mental bandwidth dean-smile


Not news, but a nice rundown of some salient data points.

[–] 29 points 5 months ago

All my blue reps voted for this. Oh yeah, they also voted for unconditional military aid to Israel and to not support UNWRA right after. Loser party.

[–] 12 points 6 months ago (5 children)

LogSec for students, project organization, and the aspiring corkboard conspiracy theorist in your life wanting to be the next Mark Lombardi. Use markdown in a free flow style notes app that has powerful tools to connect ideas, so you can focus on the information as opposed the organization. Semantics instead of syntax, as it were.

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