joined 2 months ago
[–] -1 points 12 minutes ago* (last edited 11 minutes ago) you need to get off the .world federation bubble (which blahaj is a part of).

Try Hexbear for a week. It doesn’t cost you anything, just take a look. You don’t have to stay if you don’t like it.

But something tells me you’re quickly going to understand why Lemmy has two major federation poles after checking it out.

[–] 1 points 30 minutes ago

Shoutout to the libs wetting their pants over non-Russian weapons being used against Ukraine

I’m not sure what could be worse than literally bulldozing all of Palestine to the ground and killing the survivors that crawl out. And that is not hyperbole. Literal bulldozers are going in a line through Palestine.

Maybe PugJesus can enlighten us?

[–] -3 points 8 hours ago

Imma let you finish, but all conservatives are pedophiles. Full stop.

[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

Well there is an active genocide where an entire country is being literally bulldozed into rubble with all survivors shot by snipers, heavily documented with endless videos, and the worlds most powerful nation is united in supporting it, so…

Even literally during WW2, the US created concentration camps on its own soil for millions of American-born citizens who happened to be Asian. These people had their homes, businesses, and property just brazenly stolen by their white neighbors while they sat in camps in the desert. They had nothing to go back to. This is why many West Coast small towns have “Japantown” neighborhoods with 0 Japanese folks.

So yes, I’d say it’s safe to say people didn’t “believe” the WW2 camps.

[–] -1 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Lmao typical blue MAGA

Bonus points for more imperialist genocide supporting BS from shitjustworks

[–] 12 points 10 hours ago

All US Marines deserve to die and burn in hell

[–] 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

We talking about the same “rules” that allow regular Class D license holders to drive a 40 ft RV with no additional training? Or perhaps the same rules that allow Cybertrucks to even exist on public roads?

Americans love to talk shit about safety standards when they don’t even exist at home

[–] -2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Meanwhile Americans, acting like the most powerful, intrusive, violent, and far reaching propaganda machine ever created in all of human history is doing absolutely nothing to their own beliefs:


[–] 20 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I feel like people outside industry don’t appreciate this message as much as intended.

Industrial switchgears, often part of an electric apparatus that looks like a giant metal box, have lead times measured in years. The supply chain is completely fucked.

A literal CEO of a $20billion company couldn’t skip the line despite writing them a letter and begging for any price.

Companies are paying long haul truckers expedited rates to haul a 53 foot trailer with a switchgear inside, and the rest of the trailer completely empty. Just to get it 2-3 days sooner, after their 1 year wait. You cannot operate the facility without it.

It really is a huge shame when one of them gets damaged.

[–] 10 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Yeah those “too good to be true” AI/mechanical Turk-type jobs are usually thinly veiled scams. Eventually they’ll stop paying or randomly terminate you, etc.

If you have some kind of circus trick (drawing, editing, copywriting, etc), you could try fiverr. It’s quickly evolved into low-cost creative gig work and some creators charge up to hundreds for more complex commissions or larger jobs.

If you don’t have a circus trick, the only other thing I know of is the “slave labour” (yes it’s really called that) community on Reddit. That one is fully peer to peer so be very cautious but people post more menial tasks there from time to time.

Finally you could farm Bing Rewards and survey websites. It would be a truly pitiful wage but it converts time into money (gift cards) using the internet. This is really cruel and unusual punishment but… it’s an option.

Edit: if you’re any good (like, top 1-5%) at multiplayer video games, kids will pay tons of money to boost their accounts on the competitive ladders. This is by far the most lucrative and easiest option but it requires you to already be good.


Hey fam, I’ve been dispatching riders to the East but three different cities have been completely ghosting me.

I just wanted to tell them about the hilarious caravan of nomads I kicked out of the palace. Some warlord named “Temu Jin” sent them so I took their stuff and shaved their beards. Probably another Kara Qhitai joker laying yet another claim to Khwarazm.

Anyway let me know what you think, is there some kind of weather on the way? I see a huge cloud of dust from the East so maybe my messengers stopped to shelter. I’ll check it out real quick, be back later!

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