[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Technically not ‘convicted’ until sentenced but that day is coming.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 5 points 5 months ago

I re-read the trilogy and progressed through them at a good pace but got bogged down on the later books (which I haven’t read before). I think the writing shows its age and are a little longwinded at times.

Groundbreaking story in concept and scope, that hasn’t changed for me.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 3 points 7 months ago

Nah, your just use your increased intellect to get other people to push the button for themselves, increasing the pool of intelligent potential friends available to you.

Actually this reminds me of a story I read last year where two people are in a race to massively increase their intelligence. Neither can tolerate the potential threat the existence of another hyper-intelligent person holds so it’s a struggle to the death. If I remember correctly they gain there ability to effectively read people’s minds by reading body language, micro expressions, etc., develop new systems of logic and hyper-efficient language to think in and have an entirely mental showdown at the end.

Unfortunately I’m too stupid to remember the title.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

There are several aspects of the Australian identity that look unflattering to modern eyes—gambling and drinking to excess come to mind. These things change slowly but they do change.

Incidentally I do think innovation is a valued aspect of the Australian identity.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 3 points 8 months ago

I think players are desensitised to unnatural dialogue. For example, to my Western ear lots of Asian games seem to have weird dialogue, no doubt due to poor translation. (Kojima is known to insist his dialogue be translated strictly and literally from the Japanese which explains, partially, why his games feel pretty strange. Plus Kojima is bonkers.)

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 3 points 9 months ago

I haven’t seen anyone else recommend Prospect (2918).

I think your daughter might really enjoy it because the lead role is a young female, played by Sophie Thatcher, and it has a terrific far-future, hard SF vibe and great production values for an indie feature. Also the ubiquitous Pedro Pascal is very good in it as well. Killer sound track too.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 3 points 10 months ago

I use Reeder on iOS and have for yonks. I was using it with Feed Wrangler (for synchronisation) until it folded and then I just imported my feeds into Reeder directly so it syncs across all of my devices.

The loss of Google Reader was a blow to RSS but it’s never gone away and a great way of getting your news and information.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 4 points 10 months ago

I don’t see any darker-skinned actors playing good guys

Are you forgetting Salvor Hardin, played by Leah Harvey?

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 5 points 10 months ago

Not any Tolkiens neither.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 4 points 10 months ago

… you have to turn off some extra security settings on your Apple ID, and you have to give Beeper your password just once.

If they’re using Apple’s app-specific passwords feature then that’s workable but if it’s your master Apple ID password, no way.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 4 points 11 months ago

I’m with you. I’m enjoying the Foundation series and, in a way, the departures from the book keep me guessing. But it’s not Asimov. When it stared I wondered how they were going to handle the constantly changing key characters but it seemed they just couldn’t so we have clones, uploads and hypersleep to keep people around for the long span of the stories. That’s disappointing but I’m still enjoying the ride.

Confession: I re-read the first three Foundation books last year but got bogged down in the fourth. The ideas are wonderful and changed science fiction with their scope but the writing is rather dated and, frankly, they are quite long-winded at times. Apologies for the sacrilege.

[-] Sternhammer@aussie.zone 6 points 11 months ago

Indeed. I’m Australian and my partner and I did a round-the-world cruise for three months in 2018. We’re not rich, I used my long-service leave to take the time off work. It wasn’t cheap but no regrets, would do it again in a heartbeat.

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