
joined 1 month ago

You’re one of the few people struggling to understand this so I’ll be moving on.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It’s a one time fee by a great company that gives you a robust free version. Just pay for the damn thing dude. Reward a company with generally good practices and great software that isn’t nickel and dimeing us with shitty subscriptions.

Hell their cloud project subscription is a steal too. Five dollars and I can have as many projects going as I want accessible anywhere/able to be collaborated on in real time with colleagues? Ridiculous.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

You lectured me on what echo chambers are for no reason then. Is that how I should be interpreting this?

Did I ask for a definition? Did anyone?

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Preach. Free speech means we have the right to show folks the door, to paraphrase that XKCD

Apparently that’s an echo chamber and thus morally wrong if you believe some of the shit takes on this post.

Sounds like you’re tilting at windmills in that previous comment tbh

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

They didn’t give a meaningful response to my pretty clearly rhetorical question… Are you sure you’re OK? Are you just gonna be a patronizing ass? Can you please stop wasting my time playing dumb?

When did I say anything about attacking? Still waiting for you to show me.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Sometimes high end is $200 and low is $100. Sometimes it’s worth just doing it right the first time.

Podcasting comes to mind immediately. Modest investment leads to exponential leaps in quality. You can have a 99% better production than the rest of the landscape with about $500. Even if it’s just a hobby if you’re going to make something that other people see/hear then you should consider the quality of the experience lol

[–] -2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

I didn’t say it was an attack. I said it was a strawman. Just stop responding to things I didn’t say/putting words in my mouth.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

And they’re just saying Rick Scott attempted something very similar prior that also failed. I don’t understand the issue. You’re just being contrarian.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Rick Scott is no longer governor. This was in the past. Assuming what they’re saying is true of course.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The problem pre-dated the_donald and we aren’t debating if who is doing it matters/if it’s happening. You’re completely reframing this discussion into something I didn’t say and ignoring the initial claim I took issue with. It has nothing to do with the original discussion.

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