In a safe environment where I won't feel judged or like a piece of meat, yeah. Being naked is more comfy.

I feel bad for the cockroaches that live in his filth.

[-] 27 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

After the illegals comment I'm waiting for him to call us the T slur.

And I doubt Trump would've survived COVID without the special treatment he got.

I'm sure it feels like shit, but it'll get better. I recently went through what sounds like a very similar period with my now ex, who I was still in love with. I was a bit of a train wreck for a bit, but things are much better now. Anyway, sending e-hugs cuddle .

[-] 14 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Im glad they actually managed to charge one, but it hurts to think about how many more have done it that I don't even know about.

Somewhat related:

Technically we're supposed to be voting for the president/VP combo. But since they don't necessary have nearly as much power until the president eats it, I think most just vote president as long as the vp pick isn't that much worse than the other one.

I think I'm too autistic to get any generation. I'm a millennial and I have a much easier time understanding and communicating with Autistic people from Gen Z than allistic people from my own generation.

After the initial shock he kinda looked similar to me when I dissociate. I'll never forget how pissed he looked during the "trust me bro" warranty episode. I saw a supercut on reddit I think since I stopped watching Linus sometime soon after I heard his attrocious takes on unions.

Oh shit is Israel in the finding out stage already with Hezbollah?

At this point, common Chinese counterintel win.

I hope Trump gets blocked from re-election and Biden still manages to loose to a third party. I'd begrudgingly take a libertarian at this point if it means the end the US wholesale supporting the occupiers of Palestine.

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