[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 3 points 4 hours ago

Im finding this thread very helpful. My wife and I are planning to have a kid next year (planning to start trying in the next few months). It's good to know what we'll be in for, that it gets easier after a few months, and that there are a lot of ways of making things easier.

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 21 points 7 hours ago

This will also work for conservatives, though. They will imsist that the most vulnerable people are unborn children, therefore they should vote anti-abortion

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 5 points 4 days ago

Yeah, I am, but I don't want to put too much weight on my own experience. I got my PhD last year, so I went from living paycheck to paycheck on a grad student stipend to having a real job making decent money. Many other people are not doing as well as they were, so I don't want my own anecdotal evidence to cloud my perception

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 2 points 6 days ago

I'm a college professor that uses BB and try to make things as easy to access as possible. The same assignments and information can be found in multiple places in the course, i avoid using the jankiest Blackboard applications, I set things up so that text is visible without having to click through another link, etc. But BlackBoard doesn't make it easy. We're switching to Blackboard Ultra this Fall, which I think does have some improvements, especially in the UI department, but I'm doubtful it'll be much better.

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 5 points 6 days ago

They're just taking an educated guess. Based on fossil records we've estimated that homo sapiens sapiens emerged about 200k-300k years ago. I'm not sure if they assumed a middle ground estimate of 250k years here, but it was probably something like that. If we're measuring by years, the margin of error is huge, but when we're estimating the total number of people, it doesn't matter that much, because there were so few of us for so long.

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 85 points 1 month ago

What, nobody read it before it was published? Whenever I've tried to publish anything it gets picked over with a fine toothed comb. But somehow they missed an entire paragraph of the AI equivalent of that joke from parks and rec: "I googled your symptoms and it looks like you have 'network connectivity issues'"

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 72 points 2 months ago

Anecdotally I agree. Back when all I knew about Tesla was that they made fancy electric cars, I dreamed of the day I'd be able to afford one. Now I'm looking to buy a new car this year and I won't even take a Tesla on a test drive.

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 55 points 4 months ago

I'm not really surprised, the main challenge of that game is motor control, something any machine can do with more precision than a human

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 117 points 5 months ago

They don't mention it causing turmoil at Xitter, presumably because they are already at maximum turmoil capacity

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 113 points 6 months ago

Any maps app that, when you set a route, lets you decide "don't give me any directions until I get to X step" and/or "don't give any directions after X step". I dont like hearing the navigation when I don't need it, and that would save me from having to open or close the navigation while I'm still driving.

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 94 points 7 months ago

As someone else has said before, Taylor Swift could tweet "Bring me the head of Ron Desantis" and he would be dead in a week.

[-] Taako_Tuesday@lemmy.ca 123 points 11 months ago

Guiliani doesn't elaborate on other times the red sea was parted

Made me laugh

rule hats (lemmy.ca)
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