
joined 1 year ago
[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 1 points 9 months ago

If independents prefer Sanders and Republicans hate Hillary

You're forgetting the moderate Dems, 60 million + people, and a much larger voting Bloc than the socialist independents.

Hillary was a better choice than Bernie against Trump,

Yes, Bernie would have certainly lost too. And lets not forget Hillary actually did win the popular vote.

Why do you think Bernie would have beat Trump given the vast majority of US voters are right wing?

why rational people won’t take such charged comments seriously

What do you think a resistance would lead to if not armed conflict?

You seem like no matter what you’re going to believe you’re correct

Funny how often stubborn people who refuse to see reason say this. Nice projection.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Really? How?

IIRC they acted as a go between Israel and Qatar to enable talks in the first place, and they threatened reduced support if Israel didn't agree to a ceasefire. But those articles were from a month ago, and I cannot find them now.

No, everything Israel wants.

Do you honestly think if the US was like here's $100 billion more Israel would turn it down? The US could send way more money.

people like you will start fighting back instead of rolling over.

Ah yes, let's allowing a fascist dictator with absolute power to rise in order to potentially start a doomed rebellion because I don't like something the government is doing. You think 1 million Palestinians potentially being killed is bad, but you're A-OK with starting a civil war that will result in 10s of millions of deaths? You really have to get your priorities straight.

the independents who didn’t fall in line

Them, I blame them. Sanders would not have won a general election, he is too far left for the vast majority of Americans. But the minority that did support him would have been enough to tip the scales in the Dems favor, allowing the country to avoid the ultra-right wing hell it now finds itself in.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 2 points 9 months ago (6 children)

Do you legitimately believe Biden was the cause of it?

The US was heavily involved in mediating the talks, and getting the ceasefire extended.

sending Israel everything it wants

Everything the current administration wants. They could absolutely send way more if they wanted to, and the Republicans certainly would.

You’re happy to do your part in perpetuating it.

That would be you, because a Republican government = more gerrymandering, more fascist laws, more restricted voting, a more right wing judicial system, all of which leads to less ability to vote against them.

Congrats on being a Republican puppet, and making the country more right wing authoritarian.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 2 points 9 months ago (8 children)

Why don’t the democrats support ranked-choice voting, then?

Because they get elected by the current system.

What has Biden done to curtail the genocide of Palestinians?

Helped negotiate a ceasefire that Hamas broke, and has spoken publicly about Israel not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties. Not much I admit, and far from enough, but not nothing.

There is no lesser genocide

The US could send more money and weapons to Israel and publicly support the killing of civilians. So yes, there is a lesser genocide.

People abstaining or not voting democrat in 2016 because they were mad Sanders didn't get the nomination led to a Trump presidency. It didn't help make the Dems move more to the left, it didn't help people get more social services. It just led to a vastly more right wing era that was hostile to minorities, removed many LGBTQ+ protections, ended abortion protections, and enshrined a corrupt supreme court for the next few decades.

But I'm sure you're so happy to return to such a government to stick it to Joe Biden.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 3 points 9 months ago (11 children)

Because the US is a two-party system due to first past the post voting. Until the country adopts ranked-choice or single transferable vote, there will only be two parties. A vote against one party is simply a vote for the other party.

So by voting third party you are voting for the Republicans. Congrats on supporting the greater genocide.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 4 points 9 months ago (13 children)

And in so doing you will help get the greater genocide elected. Congrats, you managed to achieve an even worse outcome than you wanted.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 6 points 9 months ago (15 children)

Enjoy the Trump presidency then, someone who whole-heartedly supports the genocide even more than Biden.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca -1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I'm saying for me Mill St. is a locally owned brewery. There are others, and I do support them, but when you say support local to me Mill St. is included.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 2 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Mill St is local to me, I can walk to their brewery.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca -1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Hamas has also stated quite recently their goal is the elimination of Israel by repeated terrorist attacks against civilians. So no, one should not support Hamas.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 4 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I was going to use communities as my examples due to the relatively small size of each, but decided country was a better metaphor due to each instance's ability to fully control their own rules or "laws", where as communities in the real world are usually beholden to the higher laws of their countries.

[–] Tavarin@lemmy.ca 1 points 9 months ago

I thought you were done with me. And you're still failing to address any points I made yet again.

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