[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 79 points 1 month ago

Holy shit I thought I was either full of shit or a mutant freak. I'm happy to be a mutant freak.

I feel so validated right now you guys have no idea.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 63 points 1 month ago

Thanks for the non-jargon version

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 81 points 1 month ago

There shouldn't be such thing as gender x only spaces. Or race, or sexuality. The women aren't wrong about their points, but that doesn't make it an acceptable or thankfully, legal thing to do. I'm sure the guy who sued them did it for all the wrong reasons though. Both sides seem a bit slimy.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 121 points 1 month ago

I admit that I secretly am disgusted by people like this but taking their photo, or anyone's, and putting it online to mock is fucking evil and wrong in every way.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 72 points 2 months ago

Larian is the new CDProjectktRed. And by that I mean they are projected to be a perfect, infallible, manifestation of developer perfection that gamers will worship and praise blindly until Larian proves themselves to be mere mortals by making a mistake.

Interstell(rule) (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by TheControlled@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone

First post! Here's a stolen meme!

/196 is the only place I really like on Lemmy.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 70 points 3 months ago

Genocide Joe? The US isn't committing genocide, it isn't even a proxy war. It completely adds a level of responsibility on Biden that isn't his to bare. I'm not saying he has none, but that's farcical.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by TheControlled@lemmy.world to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

"The US should do X and they suck because they don't!" Each state has it's own laws on education. Some places suck, some do not. It's not a monolith.

"The US has shitty beer lol" We have some of the best beer in the world but it's local/state/region only and never exported unlike fancy Euro beer.

The US for better or worse is a, hmmm 🤔 a unity of government states under a federation called America. It's very hard to get federal laws and bills passed, especially for education. The states want the power to chooses for themselves what they do, and the federal government hangs above them, sometimes intervening.

We are a huge country that has a relatively unique circumstance of government, population, and young brutal history. I'm a Californian and I live in the Bay Area which almost literally a different country than most of America, especially the South and Midwest.

I'm so sick of people, especially smug Europeans, talking like they know Americans and America but they don't really know shit about us except the movies and going to NYC and Miami.

Yes I am having a bad day.

To be honest I love Europe and have friends there that I miss dearly! I've been many times. But dumbassery is dumbassery.

EDIT: You people are an exhausting swarm of pecking ravens and I've spent all the "toxic" energy I want arguing with half you because you just hear what you want to hear and fit the stereotype I loathe I think you only commented out of trained reflex and a few of you are just unsophisticated haters. Whatever, fuck you, and all that jazz.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 68 points 4 months ago

Valve is the guy who steals your GF because he's nicer than you. And better looking. And he's still your friend somehow and you can't figure out a way to be angry without your ex and other friends thinking you're a dick and it makes you feel like you've lost your mind.

*This is a non-autobiographical joke for those who just can't.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 126 points 4 months ago

But this is accurate. Columbus was an explorer, that was his mission. I've read his letters to Spain and he wanted to find bounty for the Spanish crown to convince them to give him more money. He murdered, tortured, enslaved kidnapped, interrogated, and raped people to find even more bounty. But he was an explorer, not a conquistador or conqueror. Those were military positions.

This post is ignorant.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 150 points 4 months ago

Update: No longer friends with AR/VR. Now Copilot/ChatGPT (OpenAI) is best friend.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 134 points 4 months ago

I want to send this to my friends but they don't know what a Flipper Zero is or that Neuralink started human trials. First-nerd problems.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 65 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Any community that lives in mortal danger should own and carry guns in This Great Nation™. When my friend transitioned, I pleaded for her to get a purse-gun—California conceal-carry laws be damned. She got some tiny Glock .22 or 9mm. Made me feel better at night that's for sure, especially where she lives. Edit: Where she lives isn't the hood... It's red/purple conservative that's very behind the times.


I had to check Max to confirm. Still not sure what they are.

[-] TheControlled@lemmy.world 71 points 7 months ago

This man has a porn fantasy. And I mean the greentext author, not the fictional one pretending to be upset with intense sex.

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