
joined 2 months ago

Dang, why couldn't this be after the event so I can figure out the new Typhoon configuration first. And I don't want to upgrade the ship gear on my current character if I'm just swapping the ship post-event.

[–] 10 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

When two cheneys go “well hold on a minute now”, maybe you rethink your shit.

  • And one of the most vile shrieking twats in current politics is actually altering her stance.

  • The current figurehead claiming to want to put in Christian values yet is currently banging a 31 yr old piece of plastic while his 3rd wife is held up elsewhere in the country...the same 3rd wife he cheated on with a porn star...

  • When you scream the 2nd Amendment is there to keep tyrants and potential tyrants in check, yet has had 2 assassination attempts in as many months

  • When several of your talking heads have been revealed to be literally and genuinely funded by foreign governments most of the first world is at odds with

  • When you've claimed to have had irrefutable proof of widespread election fraud for 3 years against the Dems, yet your side is being convicted of legitimate election fraud for the same election.

Harris and her campaign need to pick up on this and start blasting it across all platforms.

It's kinda good for people who don't have the time or the means to go pick up food, but don't mind paying almost twice as much for lukewarm soggy food

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The same people who said sleepy Joe is too senile and incompetent to be president yet also masterminded both Covid-19 and committed the biggest election fraud in the history of this nation...

Republicans think that having an abortion is a decision full of hate and evil until their daughter wants one.

Until their daughter wants one, or their mistress wants one, or the person they raped wants one

[–] 21 points 1 day ago (2 children)

They're not losing any rights. Other groups are just starting to get some of those rights.

Yeah I don't see why people under-40 on here have such a hard-on thinking their generations will be the one to solve this. I worked with a large number of under 40s who were very vocal right-wingers, often tied to gun ownership, they would often parrot the same fox "news" sleepy Joe BS, boycotted Bud Light, were vocal about how gays/trans existing were "shoving it down their throats", see almost as many pro-orange-turd/lgbfjb hats/shirts on them as I did over-40s. Keeping in mind the new plastic mouth spewing hate into the cheetoh's ear is only 31...

Don't sit back and think your generation will magically change this. Get out and vote. And encourage everyone you know and can interact with to do the same

Time to finally start using all those lobi crystals!

But my 2 current characters already have their lobi weapons 🫤

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

I've seen an uptick of maga flags and even appeal to heaven flag. I wish there was an easy way to send these addresses somewhere to automatically sign them up for klan and legit Nazi paraphernalia and mailing lists...which sadly they're probably already on

Libertarians are repubs without the religion and/smoke weed

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