[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

And these are just the ones that end up going viral. The IOF likes to pretend these are exceptions, but I highly doubt that.

The most moral army in the world can’t seem to stop touching women’s undies 🤷

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 117 points 1 month ago

I’m not sure I follow. They are trying to do a magic trick where they pay $1 and they get infinite money in return?

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 77 points 2 months ago

Isn’t it interesting how Israel and pro-Israel people apply the exact same tactic?! Let’s attack innocent people. Whether it’s bombing innocent civilians or violently attacking peaceful protestors. It’s so telling. They are rotten to their core.

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 79 points 2 months ago

I guess the protests were a bit much for Bibi, so if he can pretend they are winning hard in Gaza, maybe the protests will stop. And in order to do that you can’t have some media cover the danger you pose to the hostages, so banning the media is the only logical option of course… /s

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 252 points 5 months ago

Ah yes, the people supporting the leopards eating faces club are once again surprised the leopards ate their face.

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 87 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The Israeli border police said the security vehicle had come to extricate Israeli forces under heavy fire, and ran over the body unintentionally, Reuters reported.

“Oops ran over a body”.

“Oops, again”.

“Oops, can’t seem to stop. Definitely accidental though. For sure.”

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 83 points 6 months ago

This is a parody account, right? Right?

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 101 points 6 months ago

Abstain = We’re against a cease fire but we don’t really want to say that out loud, people might think we’re horrible…

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 70 points 7 months ago

"It is tragic to see the hate and incitement toward Israel expressed in such a horrific way," she added. "The sanctity of life is our highest value. Our prayers are with the security officer who was injured while trying to prevent this tragic act".

I must be misunderstanding this quote, because uhhh….

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 170 points 7 months ago

Can you imagine her outrage of anyone said that about any group she is part of? Women. American. Divorced. Military. You name it. “Kill all of them”, “How can you say that, that’s inhumane and you should be locked up in a mental hospital”, but when it’s Palestinians it’s fine I guess.

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 140 points 8 months ago

They have the right to defend themselves against the families of journalists… I guess? Super dangerous people, especially the little kids of course.

/s just to be sure

[-] Therealgoodjanet@lemmy.world 120 points 11 months ago

So I see it’s going great with an almost non existent CSAM team, who needs them anyway?

Good luck with X buddy, I’m sure advertisers can’t wait to have their ad show next to some good old CSAM material.

But at least conservatives aren’t censored anymore and the democrats were the real groomers anyway, right?

What a dumpster fire… I hope it all burns to the ground. We can live without Twitter just fine.

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