
joined 4 years ago
[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Muy bien La Nacion dedicandole una parte de la tapa a Racing y no Cl*rin.

(Muerte a ambos)

[–] 40 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Follow ancaptain for more stories of success.

Poverty surges by 11 points under Milei, hitting 53%

According to the INDEC, a record 25 million Argentines are poor while the number of destitute doubled to 5.3 million in the past six months

A government report published on Thursday afternoon revealed that an average of 52.9% of Argentines were poor in the first half of the year and 18.1% were destitute. It is the country’s highest poverty rate in 20 years.

The numbers, released by the INDEC statistic bureau, show that in the first six months since President Javier Milei took office, poverty grew by 11.2 points and destitution by 6.2. That means 5.1 million Argentines fell into poverty in that time, amounting to 25 million poor people in total. Meanwhile, the report revealed a total of 8.3 million destitute Argentines: almost double the number in the first half of 2023. The 11-point increase in the span of six months is a historic one — poverty increased by six points throughout Alberto Fernández’s presidency.

Roughly two-thirds (66.1%) of children between 0 and 14 years old live in poverty, according to the INDEC’s numbers. An August report by UNICEF found that one million Argentine children skipped meals daily because their families could not afford food. Meanwhile, those over 65 years old went from 17.6% poverty in the second half of 2023 to 29.7% in the first half of 2024. The highest poverty numbers were found in the Northeast and the Northwest of the country, with 62.9% and 57%, respectively.

The INDEC considers a family “destitute” when their monthly income is less than the basic food basket. A family is considered to be in poverty if they earn less than the basic food basket plus services, known as the total basic basket.

A report by the Center of Argentine Political Economy (CEPA), published after the INDEC released their numbers, said that food inflation in the first half of the year was 9.4%, higher than the first half of 2023, when the number was 7.7%.

“As food prices determine the levels of the basic food basket and, to a large extent, of the total basic basket, a significant increase in food inflation implies upward pressures on the incidence rate of destitution and, in part, of poverty,” the report said.

The CEPA report added that unemployment rose to 7.6% in the first half of 2024, meaning one percentage point more than the first half of 2023. It added that the minimum retirement pension fell by 19.7% during the same time periods. At the beginning of the month, Milei vetoed a pension reform that would have put their minimum value just over the poverty line.

The Presidential Office has yet to comment on the significant increase in poverty. However, at 4:00 p.m., coinciding with the INDEC’s report, the president’s sister and General Secretary Karina Milei posted a picture of herself, her Bernese mountain dog Thor, and TV personality Susana Giménez. Videos of the president with Giménez on the Casa Rosada balcony surfaced on social media shortly afterward and were met with considerable backlash. A spokesperson for the office said that Manuel Adorni would address the issue on Friday in his usual press conference.

Death to "anarcho" capitalism

Death to "israel"

[–] 45 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Farewell speech? Is he fucking dying soon?(please)

[–] 53 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Milei accuses UN of imposing ‘socialist’ and ‘collectivist’ agenda

In his first speech at the UN’s general assembly, the president said Argentina would abandon its long-standing neutrality regarding world conflicts

In his first speech at the United Nations headquarters, Argentine President Javier Milei accused the international organization of promoting a “socialist” and “collectivist” agenda, and said the country would abandon its long tradition of neutrality regarding world conflicts.


“The woke agenda’s collectivism and moral posturing have collided with reality and no longer have credible solutions to offer to the world’s real problems,” the president said during the UN’s 79th General Assembly.

In a speech replete with religious references, Milei said that the UN had “became a multi-tentacled leviathan, which seeks to decide not only what each nation-state should do, but also how all the world’s citizens should live.”

Milei also said the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a 17-point goal declaration adopted by all member countries that includes goals such as tackling climate change and achieving zero hunger, is “a socialist supranational government program.”


The president also criticized the UN’s Pact for the Future, which Argentina distanced itself from on Monday, and aims for member countries to commit to action on issues including peace, poverty, climate change, and gender equality.

“We invite all nations of the free world to join us, not only in dissenting from this pact but in creating a new agenda for this noble institution: the agenda of freedom,” he said.

Milei listed alleged “mistakes and contradictions” the UN had committed, such as voting against Israel, which he called “the only country in the Middle East that upholds liberal democracy.” He also said the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns worldwide were a “crime against humanity” and said that the UN “allowed the Human Rights Council to support bloody dictatorships such as Cuba and Venezuela without the slightest reproach.”

Since taking office, Milei has aligned himself with Israel and the United States, as well as international far-right political organizations such as the Spanish Foro Madrid and the U.S.’s Conservative Political Action Conference.

("Israel" and the "United States" are also far right political organizations)

Milei also accused the UN of promoting a “toxic relationship between global governance policies and international lending agencies” and of “requiring the most impoverished countries to commit resources they do not have to programs they do not need.”

Argentina took a US$44 billion loan from the IMF in 2018, during Mauricio Macri’s government, and currently has an economic program agreed with the international lender to pay back the debt. Argentine media had previously reported that Milei was planning to meet with IMF authorities during his trip to the U.S., but the meeting did not come to fruition.

“From this day on, you should know that the Argentine Republic will abandon the historical position of neutrality that characterized us and will be at the forefront of the struggle in defense of freedom,” he said. Argentina has maintained a long tradition of neutrality regarding world conflicts, dating back to before World War II.

Okay then, I support Russian and Chinese surgical strikes to decapitate and demilitarize the anarcho capitalist entity that is "Argentina". 100% this motherfucker will announce he'll be sending troops to Lebanon to fight for "Israel". What is he even going to do, send all of our three tanks and one serviceable destroyer from the 80s?

“May God bless the Argentines and all the citizens of the world, and may the forces of heaven be with us,” he said, before ending his speech with his usual guttural roar of “long live freedom, dammit!”


Milei arrived in the U.S. on Saturday night. During his trip, he rang the Wall Street opening bell and spoke with investors. He also met with X owner Elon Musk for the third time. After the meeting, Musk posted on X that his “companies are actively looking for ways to invest in and support Argentina.”

jagoff my-hero

Later on Tuesday, Milei will meet with Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa and the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The president is expected to return to Argentina on Wednesday morning.

hope a ballistic missile falls where they meet.

[–] 18 points 3 days ago

Just like in real life

[–] 64 points 3 days ago (8 children)

I'm out of words. Piece of "content" shared by milei on his social media lmfao, be aware of the insane levels of cringe

it reads:


"We are totally fucked"

"Relax, Elon"

"You're not alone. We'll fight together"

It's 95% AI generated lmao, the world is completely wrong. There's a HUGE CUBA, europe is no more (good ending) and there's commies everywhere plus massive Palestine.

[–] 14 points 4 days ago

Yeah, they had a .pdf file lawmaker that was arrested because he was too open about it.

These fires are work of capital. Sometimes (not now for moment) there are also fires near Buenos Aires because landlords decide to expand their properties by burning down wild grasslands and convert it to "productive enterprises" (for speculation) with full approval from all governments involved, with complete disregard not only for the burning places themselves but for the health of all people since that smoke is in the air and people breath fucking air, the smell of smoke is everywhere.

[–] 89 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (9 children)

look at this pathetic soon to be beheaded piece of shit, it's ridiculous

a life long nerd of capitalism who got to start the day in wall street, his pathetic little dream. Meanwhile, the argentinian province of Córdoba (where he won by a landslide, mind you) is being obliterated by fires (not strictly due to climate change or months long droughts, but by agro business like in the Amazon)

while he's celebrating the expansion of capitalism (which will end in it's ultimate demise), people are fleeing from their homes because his government butchered all regulations against forest fires. There are almost no state resources being mobilized to fight the fires, lots of them are being fought by regular people and volunteers.

also all argentinians bonds and shares in the exchange fell by 3% when milei spoke lmao. what a fucking baboon, with all respect to that noble animal

death to "israel"

[–] 18 points 5 days ago
[–] 17 points 6 days ago

Not a fan of the CoD Style games, but I do enjoy seeing chinese developers make their own cool games. And if it angers the stupid westerners, then I like it more.

[–] 20 points 6 days ago

Yess, that's the one I was looking for, their thanks to God.


[–] 33 points 6 days ago (4 children)

What is it that Hamas fighters say after "Allahu Akbar" in their combat videos?


Very unique image showing the use of barricades by the popular movements during the 1848 Revolution, in this case, in the city of Paris.

This image corresponds to the "June Days Uprising", which was a big urban revolt staged from June 22nd to June 26th triggered by the plans to abolish the Ateliers Nationaux (National Workshops). The Workshops was a government program in which work was provided to the unemployed by the French Second Republic after the 1848 Revolution, which happened in February. During the February Revolution, workers made clear demands to the Provisional Government: Right to Work and Organization of Labor, said demands were heard and passed by one of the members of the Provisional Government, Louis Blanc, a Socialist. Unfortunately, the National Workshops were finally abolished and in response the workers revolted.

The Garde Nationale (National Guard) was called in and the revolt was suppressed, leaving about 3,000 dead insurgents and about 3,000/4,000 were deported to Algeria. The defeat of this workers-led insurrection marked the end of a long series of events protagonized by Socialism in it's infancy, it also marked the final victory of Liberals over the "République démocratique et sociale" (Democratic and Social Republic) and soon it would form an alliance with the aristocracies around Europe.

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