Isn't 12 hrs a bit overkill?

Actually that is not true your interactions are very authentic. Beep boop.

Also true for hangovers

I'd rather my taxes be used for that rather than bailing out banks...

Found one (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

"But then people would just want to be old and disabled in order to not pay their rent."

  • A Republican, probably

It's more complicated than that. Like saying there is a fire in a theatre when there is none, saying transgender are undercover perverts and a danger to society when it's not supported by evidence will get people killed. Freedom of speech is great and all but when your lie and put people in danger there should be consequences.

If anobody feels like a variation on a known image macro:

Department of motor vehicles.


Reporting abuse from a boss to HR is like reporting cop abuse to the cops.

[-] 75 points 11 months ago

I'll change it later...

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joined 1 year ago