More like a kink
Whatcha workin' with in those jeans
Like what do I have down there? Got a dick. But naah, after a lil bit of pondering, it's prolly my chastity kink. I've always liked snug stuff. So I dunno ยฏโ \โ _โ (โ ใโ )โ _โ /โ ยฏ
You're welcome ;)
No idea. The tight/snug + hard-ish fabric probably?
Sleeping in jeans makes me horny. I'm not even joking. I'm being serious.
What kind of war criminal saves contact names starting with lowercase letters?
No way. Are you joking or did this really happen?
I looked up what GPAI was (apparently it's the "Global Partnership on AI"). However, what's GPEI? The only thing I'm getting is the "Global Polio Eradication Initiative".
I didn't know about any of them till you mentioned them. I dunno abt GPAI, but I sure as hell support GPEI? Who wouldn't want to irradiate Polio?
Jeez I audibly gasped at this one lmao
No they aren't. They absolutely aren't. What we are doing in Kashmir is nothing short of colonisation. India is as imperialistic as the west is/was. It's just that we're terrible at it.
What kind of a pointy ass ass do you have, buddy?