
joined 1 year ago
[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 37 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Don't they... have... a... population shortage?

I'm so confused

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That's one of their beliefs, sure. However, their economic beliefs are still kinda pro capitalism.

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You find hypocrites in all groups. That's what I meant when I referred to exceptions. However, if u look at raw ideology, liberals and leftists don't want to encroach in personal matters, while conservatives most definitely do.

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What you are saying is only applicable for North America/ Europe. Liberalism is already the status quo there, which is why liberals defend it. However what is liberalism in the first place?

Liberalism: "Regulated capitalism is the least bad economic system. Also, the state shouldn't encroach upon the personal matters of an individual."

Leftists: "Capitalism is the cause of all problems. Fuck capitalism. The eventual goal should be to have a stateless, classless society. However, we disagree quite a lot on how to achieve this goal. This goal is called communism. Some of us say that we should do a violent revolution. Some of us believe that we can abolish capitalism using democratic processes. Some of us believe that to achieve communism, we need a temporary powerful state led by smart people, intellectuals, etc. to achieve material conditions necessary for communism. Some of us believe that the previous idea is absolute dog shit, and instead, we can achieve communism slowly, using non state actors like cooperatives, unions, syndicates and so on."

Conservatives: "Capitalism is good. The morals and traditions of our ancestors were better than the ones coming up now, and deviating from them would cause a lot of harm. We need to take steps to conserve these ideas."

Fascists: "All problems in society are because of group X. We need to get rid of group X by either converting them to our ways (if possible), deporting them from our borders, or cleansing our country of them entirely by killing them. Democracy is a slow and inefficient process. We should give power to a strong, smart leader who can get things done a lot more efficiently."

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Liberals and leftists both don't want encroachment of the state into personal matters. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule.

Now, what we refer to as the "far right" wish for expansion of the state for "moral policing", to conserve traditional values and so on. That includes banning abortions.

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Ronald Reagan was a neo liberal. Would you consider him a leftist?

Also, leftists are not democracy haters. Different groups of leftists have different stances on democracy. Anarchists for example, hate the idea of a state altogether (doesn't matter if it's democratic or not). Market socialists want to expand democracy in the economic sphere as well, with the help of cooperatives (be it worker, consumer, hybrid and so on).

Marxist Leninists are a group of leftists that you could say are anti democracy (in the context that you are referring to). MLs believe that a revolution must be led by a vanguard party, i.e., a group of intellectuals, and smart people who truly understand Marxist theory. This vanguard party would form a state, create material conditions for democracy (educate the uneducated, or people brainwashed by capitalists). After the material conditions are created, you can achieve democracy and all associated nice things. Remember, this is in the context of violent revolutions, like the ones that took place in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba and so on.

NOW, I am NOT a Marxist Leninist. I do not condone their ideas. I will not expand upon my own ideas, as that goes beyond the scope of this discussion. The point is, not all leftists are anti-democracy. Most leftists active politically at least in the west are incredibly pro-democracy, want to expand democracy or are anti state altogether (democratic or otherwise).

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 20 points 1 month ago (9 children)

Leftists HATE capitalism. They want to replace it altogether with some alternative economic system (market socialism, planned economy or a combination of the two) depending upon the type of leftist. Differences in leftists also exist based on the HOW of replacing capitalism (violent revolution, democratic reformation and so on).

Liberals ARE NOT leftists. Liberals believe that capitalism, with all its flaws is still the least bad economic system. They recognise some flaws of the free market and think that capitalism must be regulated to a certain extent by the government.

So again, all leftists HATE capitalism. Liberals dislike a free market, but think that regulated capitalism is the least bad form of governance.

Note: I know you didn't ask this, but just wanted to clarify - capitalism ≠ market. There's a large group of leftists called "market socialists" who want a market without the means of production owned privately.

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 7 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Wtf is BoingBoing.net lmao

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 8 points 1 month ago
[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 10 points 1 month ago

I'm not sure about proteins, but I used to consume a lot of soups to keep myself satiated. It's crazy how water + something vegetable-ey tricks ur body into feeling it's really full.

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 14 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Basically a democratic institution where the members are the consumers.

Wikipedia article

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