Honestly it sounds more like he went in with a preconceived notion, received data that verified his preconceived notion was incorrect, and then told everyone his preconceived notion seemed correct.
Amazon meets Temu?
Hey would you recommend becoming a therapist?
It’s crazy this is such a boon to my main save! Ima have a blast now. I made it back to my regular save last night. Went from like 100k credits and 100s of Nanited to 10s of millions and 10s of thousands of nanite. I’m hyped.
This is what Trump meant by bringing back American steel.
How long was your first play through?
Tim Onion has me wheezing.
Thanks man! This has been a learning activity for me I was no where near this far in the game. I have two things left to do to finish up. Can I just go back to my regular save once I’m done?
These seem to go away the next day don’t they?
My problem is I don’t live where it thinks I do for local news and it won’t let me change it.
If you haven’t heard of SMT I’d recommend checking it out. Some of the earlier games even have great Pokédex equivalents with the orginal lore for these beings.
A scout kill team is an option, metal models are harder to customize in my experience but they could be used as basing materials for your chaos/Xenos factions. You could also attempt trades with people who would want them to get things you’d like. They are nice models.
Thanks for appreciating my humor.